Planet Cyrene: Guess the launch date for Cyrene - Contest!

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by Lykke TheNun, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    Ed Robles 3rd already replied to a lot of questions about Planet Cyrene on EntropiaPlanets. Now a lot of speculations are also flying around - but for obvious reasons Ed can't reveal that yet ...

    There are already many guesses; Will it happen before or after New Year? Will it happen right after or well into the year?

    There are many who tremendously look forward to experience Planet Cyrene, and therefore a little competition is in order!

    The contest will run until we get an official message from Planet Cyrene on their release date.

    Each person gets one guess only, so choose wisely!

    If you guess more than one date, I will take the first one as an answer. And you're not allowed to change the dates (I can tell if you do, and always find your first reply ;) ).

    The person who guesses correctly - the exact date - or is closest to the day, will be winning a printed copy of EntropiaTimes Magazine for June 2011 - which is themed around Planet Cyrene - and shipped to an address of own choice (world-wide) is included of course.

    There's been a lot of confusion - and it's my fault - sorry. I bended the rules so if anyone chose the same date as another, I will draw lots between the persons for a first, second and eventual third prize.

    Peter (admin) and I, or Planet Cyrene staff (of course) are not allowed to participate in this contest - but everyone else can.

    HAPPY GUESSING:dancinggirls:


    Guesses (the red text are people guessing a second guess on a date already guessed by another participant):​

    November 22nd 2011 - Bluebard
    November 29th 2011 - Agis
    November 29th 2011 - Viperstrike
    December 6th 2011 - harmony
    December 13th 2011 - Kalanen
    December 15th 2011 - Fluff
    December 18th 2011 - db123189
    December 20th 2011 - RexDameon
    December 21st 2011 - Lerp
    December 23rd 2011 - Danoclese
    December 24th 2011 - Xandra
    December 26th 2011 - Nor Alien
    December 27th 2011 - RedDragon
    December 31st 2011 - dragus359
    December 31st 2011 - Platinum
    January 1st 2012 - antonioliveria
    January 3rd 2012 - George Skywalker
    January 5th 2012 - Meculus
    January 6th 2012 - EagletonNova
    January 10th 2012 - Puck
    January 12th 2012 - Nicki
    January 17th 2012 - zealousquiche
    January 23rd 2012 - mikaile
    January 24th 2012 - RAZER
    January 30st 2012 - Pirx Danford
    January 31st 2012 - Ed Ward
    February 2nd 2012 - malasuerte
    February 3rd 2012 - Conners
    February 4th 2012 - Crue Knight
    February 7th 2012 - SylverDragon
    February 9th 2012 - KaelMeuk
    February 14th 2012 - sakuraqueen
    February 15th 2012 - SpikeBlack
    February 21st 2012 - AxeMurderer
    February 21st 2012 - dilly
    February 22nd - sajithdil
    February 28th 2012 - Wolvie
    February 29th 2012 - Softhart
    March 1st 2012 - Bwolf Clawtooth
    March 5th 2012 - Airboy
    March 6th 2012 - Dee
    March 6th 2012 - lupulcelrau
    March 7th 2012 - Mandel
    March 12th 2012 - OriGiinaL​
    March 13th 2012 - aframo​
    March 13th 2012 - helena​
    March 13th 2012 - James James Bond​
    March 13th 2012 -Icekiller​
    March 14th 2012 - Neuromancer​
    March 16th 2012 - nutrageti​
    March 19th 2012 - Azrael​
    March 20th 2012 - Monkey Man​
    March 20th 2012 - Kitsune​
    March 21st 2012 - Acey Bray​
    March 23rd 2012 - Amber Knightley​
    March 26th 2012 - Dredge​
    March 27th 2012 - Stilton​
    March 28th 2012 - heancaze​
    March 29th 2012 - Foxypilot​
    March 30th 2012 - Lone Wolf McQuaid​
    April 1st 2012 - Mcfeast​
    April 2nd 2012 - Oztwo​
    April 3rd 2012 - misao​
    April 3rd 2012 - Spawn
    April 4th 2012 - captee​
    April 5th 2012 - Tzepu
    April 5th 2012 - Shadowman​
    April 7th 2012 - T79x​
    April 10th 2012 - Nikita​
    April 11th 2012 - Archman​
    April 14th 2012 - nonosapiens​
    April 15th 2012 - Mind​
    April 17th 2012 - toad​
    April 18th 2012 - n55w131​
    April 20th 2012 - Bolivar​
    April 23rd 2012 - Johan Roadkill​
    April 24th 2012 - Neil​
    April 25th 2012 - The Ripper​
    May 1st 2012 - leeloo​
    May 1st 2012 - skeezer​
    May 2nd 2012 - Syer​
    May 7st 2012 - Spongey Bob​
    May 8th 2012 - Skippie​
    May 15th 2012 - Redone Duncan​
    June 1st 2012 - daimlercs​
    June 11th 2012 - Bizzarick​
    June 26th 2012 - Evil Aeon​
    August 16th 2012 - welkin​
    September 4st 2012 - Master​
    September 18th 2012 - Wistrel​
    September 28th 2012 - Saradu​
    3rd quarter 2012 - nexus7​
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  2. April 3rd, 2012 :ninja:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. 23rd of Botswana, 1906.
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  4. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    So my guess might be keen: 25 Dec 2011. (Asia Game Show: 23-26 Dec 2011).

    P.S.: Being EP staff I don't compete for the prize of course.
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  5. I'd bet on 16th of march :)
    • Like Like x 1
  6. February 29, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Dec 20th 2011
    • Like Like x 1
  8. 14 April 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  9. January 17, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  10. January 5th, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  11. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    21 February 2012
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  12. kalanen

    kalanen roadkill

    My (optimistic) guess is Dec 13th. :afro:
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  13. Dec 6th

    (I really think Dec 20th, but that was already taken)
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  14. February 15th 2012
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  15. Danoclese

    Danoclese I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force

    December 23rd, 2011...(I hope I get a nice Christmas present! ;) )
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  16. New years day: January, 1st 2012
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  17. Puck

    Puck Puck

    Jan 10 2012
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  18. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Sept 18th 2012

    I say this cause I think they are essentially waiting for a set bunch of features to be available and trodden in. I don't think Cyrene are in any rush to launch since the game is just a small part of the company as a whole. I also think we will see a lot more advertising a long time before they launch.

    In short I don't think we will see Cyrene till we have:

    - Space more ironed out
    - Instancing (ie the return of beacons etc as an example)
    - The mission system more fleshed out (see above)
    - Pets
    - New avatars
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  19. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Lykke I tried editing that one about 15 times... mot sure what the issue is but if there is a history can you put the longest post in? You can ignore me swearing at you ;)
  20. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Just lol ... let me see what I can do !
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