Group Photo

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Meg, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    Hey Pioneers!

    Would you come pose for a Next Island pioneers picture? Meet me at Crystal Resort, down by the "Welcome To Next Island" sign, on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, 6PM EST. Dress to impress, and don't forget to wave at the camera!

    (Don't worry if you can't make it -- I'll take another one at a different time in a couple days.)
  2. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    One later in the day would be great!
  3. A couple of hours later would work for me.
  4. ohhhh maybe I make it but thats reeeealy close to when I usually arrive home from work
  5. I might make it, just to verify that would be 11pm Entropia time?
  6. Will try to make it, will be working at that time. But hopefully it will be a slow day. And dress to impress..............hmm who am I impressing? It may determine how much clothes I wear :D
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Not sure I can make it already at 6PM (MA time?) - My 8-year old daughter is making a play on her school, and I'm not sure we're home already then :(

    Good luck though :)
  8. Its 6pm EST which I believe as GreyFox mentioned 11pm MA :)
  9. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    oO that means I do have a chance to be there if I didn't drop dead yet :P
  10. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    Yes, it's 6PM New York time, and I would LOVE to have as many people as possible!

    I'll take one at a different time in a couple days (probably late Thurs. night but I gotta sort out some other things first) to try to include folks in other timezones or with different work schedules.
  11. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    We're home now, but I'm sorry I can't make it anyway. Just realized, 11 MA time is 12 my time - and I'm incredibly tired from not sleeping much last night. Sorry Meg - another time, I hope I can make it ^^
  12. When is the next picture going to be?
  13. Olivia

    Olivia Time Travelers

    Aww shucks! I missed it... :palm:
    I too would like to know when & where the next group photo of Next island Pioneers will be! :group:
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