Gambling Debate

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Katielicious Kat Mallow, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Just another quick question - why is MA so concerned that Entropia is not considered gaming? Is it because immediately it would cut off all the USA player base?
  2. Maybe regulation, taxes, actual reviews of systems in place,.. Who knows :)
  3. Mega

    Mega Chaotic Good

    Its all to do with the "Personal Loot Pool" Kat, which some believe exists and others dont.

    Keep your own data and make your own mind up. :biggrin:
  4. no plaintiff, no judge (Ubi non accusator, ibi non iudex) :)
  5. I'm just curious.
  6. MA ain't worried because the government there has their back as they don't care...
  7. You are right. Not even sure why players are concerned. Is it something to do with taking away skills and realising that there is really nothing we can do except try and be in the right place at the right time or get inside information.
  8. Here's what they wrote to me, I believe that if anyone actually did any investigation, there would be a lot of irregularities found (talking about flagging of players to prevent them from receiving high TT loots etc..)


    Thank you for your question.

    The content of this letter is not to be considered a legally binding document. The Swedish Gambling Authority has investigated the “Loot” system in Entropia Universe in journal number 13Li3786. The investigation was closed on the 30 of October 2013.

    The first question was if Entropia Universe can be seen as a lottery open for anyone to participate. The initial answer to that question is, yes, anyone can join the arrangement Entropia Universe by buying PED (project entropia dollar) and equipment and begin gambling. But, to be able to advance in the game, and to be able to get to different levels, the participant needs a certain level of personal skill to continue to play the game. Can the arrangement still be considered available to anyone or is personal skills what is necessary to reach a new level? The conclusion was that probably at least some kind of personal skill is necessary to reach to higher levels in the game. The Swedish Gambling authority came to the conclusion that only the initial levels seemed to be open to each and every one to participate, to get to the higher level, it is necessary with personal skills in the game

    Another question were if the Loot system in Entropia Universe could be considered a lottery (game of chance) in what ways that participants got the opportunity get lootspoints/value, by e.g. killing an animal or finding gold by mining. Among the information that was gathered during our investigation we found that in designing loot systems in games like MMORPG usually includes “chance”, but also that the design needs to be related to a certain level of skills from the player.

    In order to fully investigate the whole design of Entropia Universe, it would have been necessary to study the whole design and technical background of Entropia Universe. The Swedish Gambling Authority does not have any legal opportunities to enforce such a request against MindArk or Entropia Universe, The Swedish Police Authority or The Swedish Prosecution Authority has the legal right to make such a request against a company during criminal investigations.

    Since the answer to the first question were, that only the initial levels of the game are available to anyone who wants to participate, and that the loot system seems to not only being based on chance, but also in some ways seems to be related to levels in the game and to personal skills, The Swedish Gambling Authority decided that there wasn't enough evidence to make a police report. If new information or evidence is presented, The Swedish Gambling Authority might decide to open a new investigation.

    We do not leave any suggestions, recommendations or guarantees regarding financial investments. That is outside our area of operation.

    Kind Regards

  9. Thank you. Is it good to be husked?
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  10. I was reading about second life today - they had a lot of casinos and had to close because of USA
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