MSM Feffoids Fought Back and Lost

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space


    Invasion of the Feffoids on Planet Calypso left the creatures raging mad, and one of them decided to state in no uncertain terms his dislike of Entropians taking out so many of his friends in the name of potentially winning the much sought-after Calypso Land Deed. It all started when the new Citizenship System was announced by the Planet Calypso Team back on November 8, 2011.

    It’s a system that will provide planet-wide revenue sharing to participants, but will also include a political system that allows users to influence the future development of Planet Calypso. Land Deed holders are granted a share in the Planet Partner’s gross revenue, with the potential of a Return on Investment (ROI) expected to be 27% – 30% per year. You can read full details on this system here.

    Acquiring Calypso Land Deeds (CLDs) is not an easy task, and while they can be looted, the Calypso Team has made them available in other ways as well. Specifically, a recent event entitled “Feffoid Mania” that took place between Monday, September 10th and Sunday, September 16th. The winners were determine by the highest loots on the Feffoid Guard, with a distribution of eighteen (18) CLDs to the winners in a pre-structured format as follows:

    • 1st Place — 5 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 2nd Place — 4 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 3rd Place — 3 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 4th Place — 2 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 5th Place — 1 Calypso Land Deed
    • 25th Place — 1 Calypso Land Deed
    • 50th Place — 1 Calypso Land Deed
    • 100th Place — 1 Calypso Land Deed
    The Calypso Team upped the spawn density at several locations, such as Corinth East Hangars, Ithaca, Minopolis, Nymphtown, and Ashi to give participants plenty of creatures to work with. They even did this a few days prior to the event to give everyone an opportunity to scout the locations and perhaps work on their strategy before the event actually started.
    The event has concluded, and the Final Results List has been determined by MindArk’s data base engineers, so let’s see who the list of winners are, and what details decided their position:

    • 1st Place — Enviro Larry Lagoono — Loot = 10,403 PED — Awarded 5 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 2nd Place — Mike the goat Powers — Loot = 10,101 PED — Awarded 4 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 3rd Place — the awesome chick — Loot = 10,006 PED — Awarded 3 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 4th Place — Uniqu3 Uniqu3 Hunter — Loot = 3.307 PED — Awarded 2 Calypso Land Deeds
    • 5th Place — fynn diablo witch — Loot = 2,984 PED — Awarded 1 Calypso Land Deed
    • 25th Place — Ladie Nadie Hawke — Loot = 811 PED — Awarded 1 Calypso Land Deed
    • 50th Place — Mista Jagwarr Flayer — Loot = 250 PED — Awarded 1 Calypso Land Deed
    • 100th Place — overtime luck nicolas — Loot = 198 PED — Awarded 1 Calypso Land Deed
    Congratulations to the winners, but the Calypso Team isn’t done offering CLD’s, so stay tuned.

    Article banner created by @Syer
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
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