Everyone whos offline, is Deathifier now !

Discussion in 'The Black Hole' started by McCormick, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. I didnt want to login...really.
    I just wanted to pm Deathifier...because, you know why...he never went online again...while his avatar was indeed online.


    Today I had various frozen client loaders on the "planet data blah part".
    I read about all those 64/32bit drama problems...I read about C++ blah fixes...clear cache blah reinstall blaaahhh...

    But when I finanlly got beyond the client loader...

    Nice ! All offline players are Deathifier now !
    And when I wanted to message Deathifier, the message always got sent to "Frozen".

    So, Deathifier is Frozen = everyone whos offline. Nice glitch. A relog did not help.
    The cache did not help. The search itself is the reason and I could easily reproduce it.

    I remember you could not send smilies via pm, as the message would never reach the reciever...but this is...

    I logged out again.

    pm fucked up 8 2019.jpg
  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Really weird, and a little scary.

  3. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    something declared static is all I can think of... possibly more likely something overwriting something in memory.
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