Event: Medusa Miners Marathon! 1k PED prizes

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Entropian Events and Medusa’s Head present
    The Medusa Miners Marathon
    An event for miners at Medusa’s Head

    11 April – 8 May

    Join us for the first ever mining event at Medusa’s Head! We have 1000 PED to give away – read on to find out how to claim your share of the prize!


    Medusa’s Head is divided into 8 land areas:

    • Apophis Island
    • Ayida Island
    • Bakunawa Island
    • Deino Island
    • Enyo Island
    • Naga Island
    • Ouroboros Island
    • Pemphredo Island

    Some of these areas have mobs spawning in them, but much of Medusa’s Head is clear of wildlife for the convenience of miners.

    Known resources include alferix, dianum, durulium, gold, ignisium, kanerium, lysterium, niksarium, terrudite, azur, binary, cave sap, devil’s tail, henrem stems, lumis and solis.

    Mining tax at Medua’s Head is 4%.

    How to Enter

    To take part, all you need to do is mine on the islands of Medusa’s Head and post screenshots of your globals or HoFs here.

    Screenshots must include the global message (which will contain the name of the island you are on), and the in-game time (press U) in your chat window.

    Marathon Prizes

    The three miners with the most globals over the course of the contest will win the Marathon Prizes:

    • 1st place: 300 PED
    • 2nd place: 200 PED
    • 3rd place: 100 PED

    Explorer Prizes

    A number of 50 PED bonus prizes are available for miners who like to roam around. To win one you need to get a mining global on six of the eight islands.

    A maximum of 8 miners can win an Explorer Prize, and each player can only win one of them. When 8 people have won 50 PED, there will be no more Explorer Prizes, so don’t leave it too late!

    Your Explorer globals will of course also count towards your total in the Marathon Prize contest.

    Other Rules

    1. The contest runs from 0000 UTC (MA time) on Monday 11 April 2011 until 2359 UTC on Sunday 8 May 2011.

    2. Screenshots must be posted here within 24 hours of the time shown in the chat window.

    3. To be valid, all screenshots must clearly identify your avatar and show the global message (including the name of the island) and the time in your chat window.

    4. Please do not edit your posts! If you have something to add, make a new post. Edited posts may be disallowed.

    5. Globals are only valid if scored within one of the eight Medusa’s Head land areas. The small Medusa Bazaar area is not included in the contest.

    6. The judge of this competition is Oleg Oleg McMullery. In the event of any dispute, Oleg’s decision is final.

    7. We reserve the right to disallow any entries in the case of suspected PhotoShopping or other foul play.


    NOTE: This competition is also open on another forum. Entries from both forums will be combined to make the final scores.​
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