Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2010 – Sponsored by FPC and EntropiaPlanets

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Lists updated.

    We now have 138 entrants, but only 5 in Heavyweight and 2 in Super Heavyweight. If we don't reach 8 in either class by the time registration closes next week, these competitions will not take place. So get your uber friends to join!
  2. Lists updated :)

    5 days left to register! We need more Heavyweights and Super Heavyweights or those competitions will be cancelled, so tell your uber friends to sign up :)
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    sent pm oleg :)
  4. ok

    Lord NoName Incognito

  5. Can I still register for Welterweight please? :)

    Oh yes full ava name is Pirx Dan Danford!
  6. Registration closes today - if you haven't entered yet then you must do it before midnight tonight!
  7. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Anastassija Tass Swensson
    Antipodean Army
  8. Regitstration is now closed. I'll update the participants list later today when I've gone through all my PMs :)
  9. I've updated the second post with the final list of participants. The total number of entrants is 160.

    I've included the Super Heavyweights there and will work out an alternative plan for what to do with that competition since we only have 5 entrants.

    Super Heavyweights won't be included in tonight's draw. I'll worry about them later, on the basis that it will be easier to organise 5 people than the other 155.

    In the meantime I will re-open registration for the Super Heavyweights in an attempt to get 8 people. If anyone still wants to join that class (221+ HP) please let me know asap. All other classes remain closed.

    Join us at Billy's Spaceship Afterworld at 18:00 today if you can, to find out who you'll be facing in your first match and have a bit of practice :)
  10. I've started a new thread for the draw, results and schedule, to keep things more organised. Please check that thread for details and further discussion.
  11. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Great work once again Tass :) I'll try to fill in some of the gaps when I have time.
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