Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2010 – Sponsored by FPC and EntropiaPlanets

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Entropian Events present​


    The Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships are back again for 2010, bigger and better than ever!

    Once again the competition is officially sponsored by FPC, who have provided some great prizes for us to give away – and not just to the winners this time!

    This year for the first time there’s also an opportunity for societies to compete against each other to see which has the greatest boxing prowess. And for the ubers we’ve got the new Super Heavyweight class to show us who’s the absolute top dog in EU boxing!

    As always, EUWBC is free to enter, and with six different competitions for various skill levels, there’s something for everyone.

    Read on to find out more about the tournament and how to take part!


    Contestants will be divided into six Weight Classes, based on their current Health (see below). The six winners will be declared EU World Boxing Champion 2010 for their class, and all of the finalists will win prizes.

    First Prizes

    Unlimited Loughlin Smacker Two
    Sponsored by FPC
    Valkyrie Mk.1 (L)
    Sponsored by EntropiaPlanets
    Personalised Forum Signature
    Sponsored by Globex Designs, Inc.

    Each of the winners will receive an unlimited Loughlin Smacker Two. This is a great eco weapon for powerfist skilling or for using as a finisher. The Smacker Two is worth 1864 PED in TT value alone.

    See Entropedia for all the stats on this item: Entropedia: Weapon: Loughlin Smacker Two

    They’ll also win a Valkyrie Mk1 (L) provided by EntropiaPlanets.

    And to commemorate their victory, the champions will receive a personalised forum signature, specially created for them by Globex Designs.

    Here’s an example of the design:


    Second Prizes

    Genesis Power Claw Mk.6 (L)
    Sponsored by FPC
    EntropiaPlanets Premium Membership
    Sponsored by EntropiaPlanets

    The runner-up in each class will receive a Genesis Power Claw Mk.6 (L), the most powerful (L) fist in EU and one which is very rarely seen.

    Entropedia link: Entropedia: Weapon: Genesis Power Claw Mk.6 (L)

    The losing finalists will also receive 6 months of premium subscription to EntropiaPlanets.

    Weight Classes

    Entrants will be split into weight classes depending on their Health:

    • Flyweight: Up to 110 Health
    • Lightweight: 111-130 Health
    • Welterweight: 131-150 Health
    • Middleweight: 151-180 Health
    • Heavyweight: 181-220 Health
    • Super Heavyweight: 221 Health or above

    Competitors will be required to prove their current Health at a ‘weigh-in’ by taking a screenshot prior to each match, clearly showing their current Health. This screenshot must be posted here or sent to the judge privately following the match.

    Super Heavyweight and Welterweight competitors are not required to provide a screenshot (except in the case of an ‘over-weight’ Welterweight player – see below). Welterweights will be scanned to determine their Health.

    Players’ Health is likely to increase during the course of the tournament, so players will be allowed to play ‘over-weight’ by up to 3 Health points, as long as they start the tournament in the correct weight class. There is no penalty for being ‘under-weight’. If you think you are likely to go ‘over-weight’ by more than 3 points, you should enter the higher weight class.

    Example: Cassius joins the Welterweight class and starts the tournament with 147 Health. By the semi-final he has reached 152 Health and is allowed to compete as an ‘over-weight’ player. But by the final he has 154 Health and is disqualified – he should have entered the Middleweight class!​

    If there are fewer than 8 entrants in any single weight class, then the competition for that weight class will be cancelled.


    Entry to this event is free! All you need to do is register here on the forum.

    Just post here, giving your full avatar name and the weight class you want to enter. Please also give the name of your society, if you are a member of one.

    If you have a friend who wants to enter but does not have a forum account, you can post on their behalf. As I will not be able to contact them via the forum, I’ll need an e-mail address, which should be sent to me in a PM – please don’t post e-mail addresses in the thread!

    Registration is open now and will remain open until 15 September. Entries posted after 15 September will not be accepted.


    On 13 September I will contact all registered entrants to ask them to confirm that they will be taking part in the event. If I do not receive a reply by 17 September you will not be allowed to take part. If you know that you will be unable to reply to me during this time (e.g. if you will be away with no forum/e-mail access) please let me know in advance and I will discuss this with you individually.

    Tournament Schedule

    On 18 September the event launch party will be held, during which the first round draw will be revealed. Contestants don’t have to attend but I hope you’ll all come along and find out who your first opponent will be. Those who are not taking part in the event are of course also welcome to attend.

    First round matches will be held on 25 & 26 September. We will aim to complete as many matches as possible over this weekend.

    Each match will be arranged individually in order to set a time convenient for both fighters. Entrants are expected to show a reasonable amount of flexibility when arranging matches, and to maintain communication with me, responding to messages in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

    In short – I’ll try to be flexible and I expect you to do the same. If you take the piss, you’re out. Any competitor who fails to show up for a scheduled fight without warning or explanation may be disqualified.

    Because of the ad hoc nature of the match arrangements, it’s impossible for me to give a more detailed schedule at this point. I hope to be able to hold the final matches on 16 October, but this is subject to change.

    Society Championship

    This year we introduce the first ever EUWBC Society Championship! Individual fighters will score points for their society, which will be totalled over the course of the tournament to produce the Society Championship table.

    Any society with at least 3 members entering the tourmanent will be entered into the Society Championship.

    Each competing member will score points as follows:

    • 3 points will be awarded for each round won by knockout
    • 2 points will be awarded for each round won on points
    • 1 point will be deducted for each round lost
    • 1 point will be awarded for winning a match

    The society with the most points will receive a custom-made virtual commemorative plaque created by Globex Designs, Inc. This is a graphic file that you can display on your society’s website, use as a sig, or upload to signs and screens within EU – it’s ideal for a 4:1 X-Lite sign.

    Match Rules

    1.The tournament follows a knockout format, with the first ties decided by random draw. The draw will also determine the subsequent ties (the winner of Match A fights the winner of Match B, etc).

    2. Dates and venues for matches will be announced on the forums and communicated privately to contestants.

    3. Depending on the number of entrants in each class, some fighters may have to play an extra preliminary round. The random draw will decide which entrants will have to fight in preliminaries. 2009 champions will be excluded from the draw and will therefore not have to play a preliminary match.

    4. With the exception of the finals and semi-finals, matches consist of up to 5 rounds, each lasting 3 minutes.

    5. If one player dies within 3 minutes, his opponent is awarded a win by knockout for the round. If both fighters are still alive at the end of the round, the player with the highest proportion of health remaining (as determined by the judge by looking at the player’s on-screen health bars) will be awarded a win on points.

    6. Any player leaving the ring during a round will forfeit the round to their opponent.

    7. The winner of the match is the first player to win 3 rounds.

    8. The semi-final matches in each class will consist of up to 9 rounds of 3 minutes, with the winner being the first fighter to win 5 rounds.

    9. The final matches in each class will consist of up to 15 rounds of 3 minutes, with the winner being the first fighter to win 8 rounds.

    10. Armour or healing is not allowed during a round. Players may of course heal between rounds.

    11. The only weapon allowed is the Castorian EnKnuckles-A (TT Powerfist), except in the Super Heavyweight class. Super Heavyweight contestants must use the Loughlin Smacker One (limited or unlimited).

    12. Weapon Enhancers of any kind are strictly forbidden.

    13. Excessive jumping is not allowed. If the judge feels that a contestant is jumping excessively (as a guideline, if you are jumping more than punching, that’s excessive) they will receive a warning in local chat. If the player continues to jump excessively, they will forfeit the round to their opponent.

    14. Competitors are expected to show respect to their opponent and the tournament by:

    • turning up to matches as arranged, on time;
    • maintaining a reasonable level of communication with the organisers so that matches can be arranged effectively;
    • demonstrating a reasonable amount of flexibility in arranging matches.

    Failure to do so may result in rounds or matches being forfeited, at the discretion of the judge.

    15. In case of any dispute, the judge’s decision is final. We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant in the event of suspected or proven cheating or foul play.


    Spectators are welcome and encouraged to come along, cheer on their friends, and enjoy the boxing. Please stay well clear of the ring entrance while a fight is taking place. Under no circumstances should a spectator enter the ring.


    Many thanks to our sponsors for supporting this event. Additional thanks to Globex for the event banners and artwork. And very special thanks to those who took part in and supported the previous EUWBC tournaments – I hope you’ll be back again this time!

    And Finally…

    If you have any questions please post them here.

  2. List of Participants

    Flyweight - 46 entrants
    Alana Alana Tempest (Natural Born Killers)
    Anastassija Tass Swensson (Antipodean Army)
    Avaloonix Ava Hendrix (Made for Germany)
    baris sigortaci78 sukur (Freelancer)
    cat catXlux catsie (Natural Born Killers)
    Colby Major Sargent (All Great of EU)
    Duncan DS Freedom II Sentrus (Freelancer)
    Edward MrEddie James (German White Angels)
    Espanhol PT 82 (Piratas Tugas)
    Eva Lynn Jade (Laudanum)
    Frugal Jay Freska (The Dharma Initiative)
    ghost gigfoot jz (Irken Invaders)
    hitman nutrageti 47 (The Company)
    Ikema D-Rok Olvy (Ice Cold)
    jacek borys jacek (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    James Anzak Arden (Expeditors)
    Jim Toecutter Profit (The Disturbed Ones)
    John Joe Chwa (WildD3amons)
    juan juanxo jaramillo (Entropia Para Latinos)
    KingNobody NoWay NoHow (Skillin' Villains)
    Kruts krutais Afigens (Irken Invaders)
    kyrra vipere gallois (Bellone Vesta)
    Larkin Snipes Smith (Brainstormers)
    Le Deux Machina (The Core Collective)
    Lilly Swing Mirtyl (WildD3amons)
    Lord NoName Incognito (Freelancer)
    Mad Goose Hunter (Calypso Desert Rangers)
    Majandi Majandi Dale (Serendipity)
    Mandred Maverick Torgridson (German White Angels)
    Mark Mark Gideon (WildD3amons)
    Mark Rufen Power (TAO)
    Mateusz skeite1 Krawczynski (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    Mike Jinx Doe (TuSaLuSa Cadets)
    Nicky osyman Brown (Freelancer)
    OkeisTM Okeis TM (Fresh & Funky)
    Panthar Panthar Otava (Freelancer)
    Pedro TheHunter Domingues (Piratas Tugas)
    Rubistis Ruby Gemers (Fresh & Funky)
    Salerno Recover Vextro (Freelancer)
    Salix Sol Maximus (Antipodean Army)
    Sherly Shana-tan Nome (Manticore)
    Snapper SnapperRed Red (International Brigade)
    tomasz limi82 limont (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    Van Fallout freak Buren (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    Vincentino Vincent Galbarda (Freelancer)
    Wilbur Captee Captee (Lords and Ladies)
    Wistrel Wisty Chianti (Sterling and Moss)
    Zarran kdawg Ovatar (Brainstormers)

    Lightweight - 42 entrants
    "The Arunai" Dra'Khan (Freelancer)
    AeroV v47 Zer0 (Entropia Directory)
    AL Aca Killmore (Federation of Free Wanderers)
    andrzej mo67 hnizdziuk (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    Blastoise Meculus Yarlboro (Odysseus Unbound) 2009 Flyweight Champion
    Brilliam Mason Seafare (Skillin' Villains)
    Captain Ultimate Catch (WildD3amons)
    Danny Honsi Hornsberger (Made for Germany)
    doc nocc jingles (Fresh & Funky)
    Jack Cappy Walsh (Irken Invaders)
    Jehu Da King (Skillin' Villains)
    Jennifer Jenny ferr (Swedish Hunting Society)
    John Hawk Connor (The buxx stops here!)
    John itwasntme Remontoire (Bravo Three-Nil)
    John Zippo Pathfinder (SZ Enterprise)
    Jojo joris pogn (Universal Born Looters)
    Jordan arkon Fultz (Deja Blue)
    Kick Ha Farce (Kick Chris Hunter)
    Leona Cat Srelliw (The Disturbed Ones)
    Lockly Percival Duvall (Natural Born Killers)
    Marcus corrie aurelius (BlackAngels Evolution)
    Matt LostCube Tarka (Natural Born Killers)
    Michael 3J Sanders (Natural Born Killers)
    Micheva Rhizosis Sacramento (E.Z. Industries)
    Morgoth Morgotti Morthond (Death Unlimited)
    osmotious oz maximious (TAO)
    PEPIN PEPINEK PEPIN (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    Perry foShizzle Elroy (Rotary International Entertainment)
    Rattler Llama Simpsons (Tax Collectors)
    Ray kranky Scot (Manticore)
    Rico ReadBird Killjoy (Skillin' Villains)
    Rowdoc Rowdoc Donner (Calypso Settlers)
    Salonga salo Calypso (Rotary International Entertainment)
    Seth Dragonbait Aumar (TAO)
    Simon Mcveith Baptista (Utopia)
    Singular Singular XXX (Entropia Pioneers)
    Sir Darkpepe Pepe (Germansurvivalartists)
    Teiwaz Storm Ing (Freelancer)
    Tydarius Ronin Dromos (Temporal Destinies)
    Vladimir xsample Litvinov (Hyperborean)
    Vlooe (Germansurvivalartists)

    Welterweight - 26 entrants
    April Raven Phoenix (Federation of Free Wanderers)
    Bare BareBones Bones (Skillin' Villains)
    Billy Wobble Dagger (Deja Blue)
    Blake Seven Simons (The Disturbed Ones)
    clon xituz -x (Made for Germany)
    Dagny Lilac Lane (Rapture of Rebellion)
    Dash Fur Crazylegs (Manticore)
    Dis Varginna Venus (www.EntropiaForum.pl)
    Dolly Spike Duck (Vanguard)
    Elias hudson Kosh (Smart Professionals United)
    Eman Gimme Jakubisko (Legacy of CSc)
    Hubert Sniqs Zycinski (Smart Professionals United)
    James Sircus Wolf (Freelancer)
    Karl XII King Gollum (Pyrates of Calypso) 2009 Welterweight Champion
    Kylie Kylie White (Federation of Free Wanderers)
    Leoni Silv Starr (WildD3amons)
    Leonie Leo Dieterich (The New Trust)
    Maurice Rakuuz Kylex (SZ Enterprise)
    Mazie Blanche Daisy (Reservoir Dogs)
    Pirx Dan Danford (Federation of Free Wanderers)
    Poseidon Thor Artic (BlackAngels Evolution)
    Rocky Addz Harley (Dark Knight Squires)
    Sebastian HeadshooterGT Matkowski (Made in Germany)
    Selin Efim Efim (Berkut Squad)
    Teeghan Tee Mitexi (Ouroboros)
    Uklesh Pluut Frozen (Next Cons)

    Middleweight - 31 entrants
    Adam Nebu Jackyll (Groene Draeck)
    Andrey InvisibleAndre Junior (SPACESPARROWS)
    Angel Spike Sunny (The Disturbed Ones)
    Brent Wildman Lancing (WildD3amons)
    Brocko SirMixaLot Brockowitzch (CaMo Flames & Industries)
    Crystal Crissy Dunstone (cK Coat Killers)
    Gallyon Luckycharm Sundstrand (Asylum)
    Geoffrey jojo Francais (cK Coat Killers)
    Great GE Exit (All Great of EU)
    Gus Fuzz Biliou (WildD3amons)
    hijacker Hijacker27 inferno (Pyrates of Calypso)
    Iulrorck Abaddon Bark (AF-RFC)
    Jaqui Rockchick Jovi (The Disturbed Ones)
    jessica Jess Fillion (Skillin' Villains)
    Juniper Jaywalker Jones (TAO)
    Karolina Zlotko Borkowska (Divine Justice)
    Kassandra Blackwidow Draconis (Freelancer)
    Kayla Mystique Sinclair (Pyrates of Calypso)
    Leo NewShoes Johnson (Church of Lootius)
    ManagJah Dex Oh (SZ Enterprise)
    Mere of azu (ATL Athalantes)
    Michael Mike Masters (cK Coat Killers)
    Pecka ecka Martinek (Ex Cons)
    Praug Praugster Redbear (The Disturbed Ones)
    Shaolin Amathera Nightwish (Calypso Desert Rangers) 2009 Lightweight Champion
    steffel earthquake zermatscher (Rangers)
    Telemachus SokrateX Rhade (SZ Enterprise)
    Thorfin Thor Skullsplitter (Freelancer)
    Una Griph Alconbury (Rangers)
    Xrated La Tina (Fresh & Funky)

    Heavyweight - 8 entrants
    Bob beechbum da'mon (Irken Invaders) 2009 Middleweight Champion
    dasouth Genious dasouth (Menace to Society)
    Doctor Benway Benway (Art of War)
    Jason Centech Tanner (BlackAngels HQ)
    Kristoffer Larethania Strom (SDW Elite)
    Lars Lars Fjelltun (Shaolin)
    Therya Sound Tallin (Shaolin)
    Uniqu3 Uniqu3 Hunter (Art of War)

    Super Heavyweight - 8 entrants
    Darth Skippie Boobie (Universe United)
    Hugh Hugh Willose (Dark Knights)
    James Jimmy Stryker (Warants)
    Migor Mice Oth (Art of War)
    Neo The Famous Trader Sharp (Art of War)
    Stoikow Stoikow Mudorow (Warants) 2009 Heavyweight Champion
    Warants Skalman Skalmansson (Warants)

    Society Championships

    Art of War (4 entrants)
    BlackAngels (3 entrants)
    cK Coat Killers (4 entrants)
    Federation of Free Wanderers (4 entrants)
    Fresh & Funky (6 entrants)
    Irken Invaders (4 entrants)
    Made for Germany (3 entrants)
    Manticore (3 entrants)
    Natural Born Killers (5 entrants)
    Pyrates of Calypso (3 entrants)
    Skillin' Villains (6 entrants)
    SZ Enterprise (4 entrants)
    TAO (4 entrants)
    The Disturbed Ones (6 entrants)
    Warants (3 entrants)
    WildD3amons (7 entrants)
    www.EntropiaForum.pl (7 entrants)
  3. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

  4. Great, thanks Razer :) Awesome detail in there with all the match results and everything, excellent :)

    Now how about your entry? :D
  5. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Expect some almost live coverage on the wiki ;)

    (and btw this wiki has also a page for the car it sponsors: Valkyrie Mk 1 (L))
  6. I'm in :) hoping to do better this year
    name: hitman nutrageti 47
    category: flywheight (only added 2 -3 health points in one year...)
    Is it possible to confirm prior to 13 sept or after 17? Cause I'm on vacation that week and will return on the 19th
  7. Yes, no problem, I'll make a note.
  8. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Avatarname: Leo NewShoes Johnson
    Society: Church of Lootius
    Weightclass: MiddleWeight

    Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the 18th, though, but feel free to inform my future opponent that after the match he/she will only be able to eat through a straw.
  9. The list of participants in post 2 has been updated - 35 of you so far :)
  10. Tass

    Tass Administrator

  11. Great work Tass, you Wiki Wookies are certainly on the ball :D
  12. Entrants list updated again! I've also added the socs currently eligible for the Society Championship. If you're not in that list, you'd better get some more of your socmates you sign up :)
  13. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    great event with great prizes! I wish I could be there ..
  14. Aw can't you come LeeLoo? If it's because of availability difficulties let me know and hopefully we can work something out.
  15. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    Oleg I am going on vacation 19.9 - 5.10 so I guess its gonna be VERY difficult. :)
  16. List updated - 83 entrants now but we need more Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight!
  17. The winners of the Society Championship will receive a custom-made virtual commemorative plaque created by Globex Designs, Inc. This is a graphic file that you can display on your society’s website, use as a sig, or upload to signs and screens within EU – it’s ideal for a 4:1 X-Lite sign.

    Thanks again to Globex for sponsoring another prize!
  18. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

  19. Lists updated :)
  20. Irken invaders ghost gigfoot jz health 96 flywight
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