Event: Atrox Valley Sunday, 2 May 21:00 - 1 PED entry, 600 PED prizes

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. Entropian Events and Manuel present
    An Atrox hunting event on OLA-40

    Sunday 2 May, 21:00 to 22:30

    OLA-40, Atrox Valley, is located northwest of Akmuul Island TP:


    The mobs here are Atrox Provider-Old Alpha.

    Entry to this event costs only 1 PED a ticket! We’re using the Most Loot rule, so points are scored for each PEC of loot gained, and the Top 3 hunters win 200 PED each.

    To take part, register at the land marker (23300, 27950) any time before the event begins.

    The tax rate on this land is only 4%.

    Globals scored in this event can also earn your points in the Tax Man Reloaded contest.

    Atrox at Entropedia: http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Mob&name=Atrox

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