MSM EUWBC: Are You Ready To Go The Distance

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space


    It was July 12, 2008 when Oleg “Oleg” McMullery announced the first Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships, which has grown into a very popular annual event. This EUWBC event is produced byEntropian Events, an event management, promotion and design entity that has presented many engaging events since its creation in February 2008.

    EUWBC is a PvP boxing tournament designed to determine who has what it takes to go the distance as a fierce fist-fighter, and come out at the end the champion of their weight division. This is the fourth year running, and up until this year’s event, Oleg has done an exceptional job of being Master of Ceremonies, but he’s taking a secondary position this year and allowing his right-hand man center stage.

    Thierry “Rag” Of Grimbergen from the Perseus society will become the 2012 EUWBC Master of Ceremonies, and lead the contenders through their paces in this knock down, drag out fight in the ring toward winning the coveted weight division titles. When asking for a comment from Oleg on the change, he offered the following:

    I don’t think Rag gets enough credit for all the work he does running events for the community. He’s really grown into the role since we started working together back in 2010, and he’s become as much a part of Entropian Events as I am, as well as being a good friend and a great guy. I hope that he’ll get more recognition for his contribution now that he’s fronting a major event. And of course it takes the pressure off me so that’s a bonus!

    For two years, Rag devoted his time, effort and organizational skills in assisting Oleg with the EUWBC events, and as one who attended and cheered on the contenders through live coverage over MSR, I can attest to the efficiency with which this event is presented. It is exceptionally entertaining, and the perfect spectator sport to support society mates, friends and others as they battle it out. And just when you think you know who the clear winner is, it becomes incredibly intense, right down to the last punch.

    This year’s event will take place at Fort Zeus on Planet Calypso. There is no fee, and all you have to do is register at the EUWBC website. Registration is open now, and will remain open until November 16th. After that date, entries will not be accepted.

    Photo artistry by — Thomas Neuwirth

    The event launch party will be held on November 18th, at which time the first round draw will be revealed. You don’t have to be in attendance, but it is recommended that you be present in order to find out who your first opponent will be. Those not participating in the event are also welcome to attend the launch party.

    The first matches will take place on November 24th and 25th with the aim of completing as many matches as possible. The matches are arranged individually in order to set the best time for both fighters. The goal is to hold the final matches on December 15th.

    With the exception of the finals and semi-finals, matches consist of up to 5 rounds, each lasting 3 minutes. The only weapon allowed is the Castorian EnKnuckles-A (TT Powerfist), except in the Heavyweight class. For full and complete details of the rules and what’s expected, you can find everything here.


    In addition to the individual competition, there is also a society competition. Fighters can also score points for their society, which will be totaled over the course of the tournament to produce the Society Championship table. The EUWBC event is sponsored by Globex Designs, Inc. who creates the division title belt signatures, as well as the society banner presented to the winners.

    Sample Forum Signature

    Sample Society Banner

    Whether you’re Flyweight (up to 110 Health), Lightweight (111-130 Health), Welterweight (131-150 Health), Middleweight (151-180 Health), or Heavyweight (181 Health or above), perhaps now would be a good time to call your trainer.

    We wish everyone the best, and we’ll see you in the ring.

    Article banner created by @Syer
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2013
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