EuTropians Society

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Davian, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. I tried registering at the Sociaety Terminal for teh Forsaken and I got this response" The Society does not currently accept new members" I was told by Thor _A that I woudl be able to register but i guess not, however I did lookup Eutropians and registered with them, still pending as well. If I need to correct anythiing please tell me, hehe, I hate feeling no0bish, hehe

  2. Hi Davian
    Yes the Forsaken Society is now closed (from direkt member applications thru the Soc terminal)
    We reroute all new players to apply for membership in the EuTropians Soc!

    If you have placed an application and wrote a refeerer to someone in <tF> in the Soc terminal, you dont need to do anything else!
    If you think it takes to long time to get approved you might PM Red Sonia and ask here whats taking so long ;-)
  3. Sorry guys...

    Sorry if there's been any delays - we should be able to get on the case now we're back off the honeymoon :)
  4. EuTropians News

    Well, the EuT continues to thrive despite the fact that Red and I have been more interested in building our house, and growing a new little Entropian.

    I've been doing a little recruiting lately, and have added a couple of promising disciples to the fold.

    The items cache grew to a huge size, but we found that very few newbies really want much more than armours and guns.

    For this reason we liquidated a considerable amount of the stock, mostly at TT value as received, but a little profit was made here and there.

    For that reason I'll put a donation into the forum to cover the goodwill everyone from the Forsaken showed us when gathering up the gear.

    Our plan is now to just make whatever the posse needs as it asks for it. i.e. if someone is upgrading their weapoin we'll ask what they're looking for and then find someone to craft it.

    Meanwhile, please continue to send and recruits over and they will be shown the best of care as always.

    That's it for now!
  5. Hiya phunk
    Well i wonder what happend to you :)

    We Thank you for your and Red's generous donation and as a token of appreciation I created a small sub forum for the EuTropians Society
    Feel free to make it your home and publish info about your Soc

    Good luck and dont be a stranger :ok:
  6. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Soon To Be New Member

    And don't forget to post a picture of the new member when he/she arrives. And yes, do not be a stranger.
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