Estophyl at EstoField

Discussion in 'BIG Industries events' started by Meculus, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Congratz to the Winners of The Event at 10.4.12

    1st place: Rawand Rawand Kareem
    2nd place: Yippie Gepetto Just
    3rd place: Kestutis Kestukas HOF​
  2. Congratz to the Winners of The Event at 11.4.12

    1st place: Cerb Hulk Beris
    2nd place: Aphex Unexplained Dartellaar
    3rd place: Kestutis Kestukas HOF​
  3. Congratulations to this Friday's winners!

    1st place: Jenka Maiden Deluxe
    2nd place: Brutus Duduloi EmporioX
    3rd place: Caramell Nestea Star
  4. Congratulations to this Saturday's winners!

    1st place: Bill DayWalker Walker
    2nd place: Moshambi Hunter Frinar
    3rd place: Perry foShizzle Elroy
  5. congratulations to theWinners of 15th April

    1st place: Jim stick Freestone
    2nd place: Aadu dRifteR Asi
    3rd place: Tronje GQ-Galahad Moleman​
  6. congratulations to theWinners of 16th April

    1st place: Rokan Tandor Akraton
    2nd place: Zezadas Gugu Kizado
    3rd place: Alvils Alv555 Berzinskis​
  7. congratulations to theWinners of 17th April

    1st place: United States Constitution
    2nd place: Sir Zeipii Kompiainen
    3rd place: Benjamin Benni Owen​
  8. congratulations to theWinners of 18th April

    1st place: Beatrix Twister Kiddo
    2nd place: Travis Travis Timberlake
    3rd place: Craks Crakoid Latv​
  9. Congratulations to this Friday's winners!

    1st place: Pan Sorok Bavaria
    2nd place: franck sweetyxx MORE
    3rd place: Roy Roy Tyrell
  10. Congratulations to the Winners of Mondays Event

    1st place: George Ace Skywalker
    2nd place: Aphex Unexplained Dartellaar
    3rd place: Jon BigRedMachine Rukin​
  11. Congratulations to the Winners of 24.4 Event

    1st place: Petrus PM Molinos
    2nd place: Michal Dorki Dorcak
    3rd place: Robert Slim Peterson​
  12. Congratulations to the Winners of 25.4 Event

    1st place: Kentril Kentril Doomon
    2nd place: Sunsout Tacotuesday Gunsout
    3rd place: john lockside lock​
  13. Congratulations to this Friday's winners!

    1st place: Zeldo Zel Lynks
    2nd place: Blodian Kukeseen Bleeder
    3rd place: Mr raxxor Swedir
  14. Congratulations to The Winners of 30.4.12 Event

    1st place: Meya Mya Fernz
    2nd place: Fama Sessan Fernz
    3rd place: Veiklais Marchelo Zellis​
  15. Congratulations to The Winners of Mondays Event

    1st place: Peter Proconten Miller
    2nd place: Matty Rooster Gee
    3rd place: cobran cobran ss​
  16. Congratulations to The Winners of 5.5.12 Event

    1st place: Donovan Donzo Yash
    2nd place: freak lotus one
    3rd place: Kris Dude Di
  17. Congratulations to The Winners of 6.5.12 Event

    1st place: Connie Pigen Gurly
    2nd place: Alexa Anaitis Landstrom
    3rd place: Ueidi Storm Souza​
  18. congrats to the winners of the 11.5 Event

    1st place: Tarjan Armin Arrakis
    2nd place: April Raven Phoenix
    3rd place: andy dacrowe rowe
  19. Congratulations winners of 12 5!

    Highest Single Estophyl:
    1st place: Stone 240 Cold
    2nd place: Deecus Decard One
    3rd place: Dexus Dex Dexilur

    Stone had a really nice globe about 5 seconds before the end of the event, completely awesome [​IMG]
  20. GRATZ to the Winners of 13th 5 Esto Event

    1st place: Dexus Dex Dexilur
    2nd place: Zaria Ariah Marinala
    3rd place: Fox FM superb​
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