Planet Calypso News: Eomon Pheromone Levels Dropping

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Aug 19, 2022.

  1. Eomon pheromone levels have started to decline, signalling the end of the yearly Eomon Migration is near. This typically causes local wildlife to rampage, as they have been exposed to strength-inducing pheromones from the Eomon herds over a prolonged period.

    Several locations all around Calypso’s Eudoria continent have seen increased activity of Atrox, which also appear in unusually large maturities and numbers.

    The Ashi, Fort Ithaca and Fort Pandora areas have seen a surge in Atrox Slayer, Marauder as well as Atrox Queens appearing. There have been reports of Atrox Hatchlings in these locations as well, so stay alert if venturing close to these areas!

    The areas east of Boreas outpost have also experienced an invasion of unusually large maturities of Neomex creatures.

    As this is the peak of the annual Eomon migration season, it is a treasured opportunity for the avid hunters to encounter some of the largest and most dangerous creatures that walk the surface of Calypso.

    Happy Hunting!

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