EntropiaPlanets presents: Forum-game: Conquest - BETA!

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Hi all,

    We're happy to introduce a new system in beta to you. It's a turned based game, that can be found in the navigation bar under Community -> Conquest system. Please start by reading up on the "How to play guide".

    The basic idea is that you join a particular nation, and battle your fellow-forum members who are members of a different nation, in an ultimate attempt to ensure your nation grabs control of the universe.

    As stated, the system is currently in beta, since we are really not sure how stable the system is. Please report any problems you would find, or suggestions you might have, and our technical staff will try and cater to them.

    The system will eventually be tied up to the EPD system, enabling you to use your EPD to buy resources (gold, troops, spies) in the game.

    DISCLAIMER: Seeing this is a beta system, please be advised that when we turn the system live, all scores will be reset, and all progress you made will be undone.

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  2. Amazing idea!

    Or is it an Aprils joke?
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Nope , no aprils fool :) go and look for yourself and it will be there again tomorrow!
  4. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    hehe luv silly things like this :viking:
  5. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    I need to re-read the rules tomorrow :alcohol:
  6. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    WOOT! Sounds great :)
  7. I have to put more effort into working out what the hell is going on :alcohol:
    Lykke just attacked and beat me :eek:

  8. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    And just because of your post the whole world and their grandmother tried hitting me .... But luckily my troops are still going strong :nana:
  9. Joser

    Joser asphinctersayswhat

    Apparently I need to train my troops or something. I tried raiding Lykke and may as well have slapped myself in the nuts. Relatively same effect.

  10. Thats becuase we have no idea what we are doing :nunchucks:sorry :D
  11. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    I never saw this game before yesterday either ... bad excuse ;)

    Anyway, I'm not only here to win :D I'm willing to help out too ...

    You have to buy your troops equipment. And you also need to train them. I'm sure I could keep up with all the attacks because I bought them equipment. Unfortunately that is expensive, and it's not because we have that much G. Next step is to find out how to get rich :D

    Then again, if you attack people with a lot of money, as I understand it, you can also loot more of their money. So trick is, I guess ;), to spent your money on better equipment all the time before someone loots you.

    THOUGH it will be difficult to get the better equipment because then you also need to save up money :lam:

    Ahh the game!
  12. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    hmmm gold need more gold need steeel need the gun types that go booom :D
    p.s.theres also a forum post thingy right in there to use.
  13. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    We're still looking into the system ourselves. If you have any ideas, hints, tipc or tricks, feel free to chuck me a PM. I'm still trying to make sense of everything, and in due time, we'll also evaluate on whether we should tweak some of the settings (time between turns, gold etc given per turn, and what not).

    Lastly, any ideas regarding how we could link this to the credits system are also most welcome. In order not to offset the game balance too much, I am thinking we build in a cap on how much can be maximum converted from your EPDs towards the game in a day/week or something along those lines.
  14. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Im just learning too, but it seems like it may work better to have troop size hidden unless spied on, otherwise that can be a reason to pick on a specific village.

  15. This is a great addition to the forum, and it sure has me hooked :)

    Though I would hate to see EPD implemented into it
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    yes yes and here we are. everyone learned from my littl tricks and see what happens? Everyone and their old dog attack me ... :( dammit!!!
  17. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    good thing is itl take one 5 hours now to be able to do another attack, downside is itl take allot more to retaliate lol

    i wouldnt mind sending help troops seeing your in the same order type but gues that option isnt there
  18. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    The EPD idea is mostly meant to give some more meaning to the EPD system at the moment. Pretty much every activity on the forum will gain you more EPDs, but there's little to spend them on (other than banners). One idea we play with is linking EPDs to the Arcade system so playing certain games will cost you EPDs, but also give you the chance to win more EPDs.

    If you're worried about others having more EPDs than you, for one, we will limit the nax amount of EPD that can be used at given times within the Conquest system, to ensure the economy will remain stable, and will not be offset by people twinking.

    Other than that, if you want to gain faster EPDs, we have a few possibilities of doing so. If you do not mind forking over a few bucks, we have a paid subscription method. A free way to gain additional EPD is to help out our Mr Wiki RAZER. If you actively contribute to our Wiki system, we offer you a Wiki contributor status, which also comes with increased EPD gains. There's also running our tracker client. Every global you end up reporting to us will gain you more EPDs, and during the first month of active reporting, you will receive a free 1-month subscription (with included EPD accellerator). Lastly, encouraging friends to sign up at the forum and having them refer you as the person who recommended them to sign up is a quick EPD maker.
  19. narfi

    narfi Lost

    It seems like a good balance for using epd for gain but not too much of an advantage over everyone would be to charge an amount (maybe 100epd) for 5 turns of double production. You could only do this once per day. That would mean for 5 hours you would gain 2men, 20gold and 2turns per hour.

    Other options would be to add 24hour offense, defense, or production bonuses. Say 5% bonus for the day. This would help but not be an overwhelming advantage. The production bonus would be for gold production or recruiting(the options in the village overview that require turns) A simpler way might just be to add a specific nations bonus to your own bonus for the day since each nation has their own bonuses already.

    As for price... 100epd a day seems about as high as you want to go, it can allow for use but its still more than someone will get in a day, so they wont be able to use it every day.

    As for the current speed of production, I think its set pretty well. I hate waiting, but if the turns are too fast then its really a disadvantage for someone to get a full nights sleep in, since they would wake up 16+ turns behind and their gold looted ( :( Lykke!! :( ) since they couldn't spend or protect it.

    The national forum thing is fun, I feel like a middle school kid all excited and stratagizing over something I don't understand :P

    Just my thoughts,


    ps. how long you running the beta game? knowing when the end is will help to determine what stratagies should be implemented for this game. Also schedualed resets would be nice once it goes live for the same reason. (rather that is 1 week, month, year, decade whatever)
  20. I joined Lost History cause it is the least dominant nation :)

    Now lets bring it to glory:yay:
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