EntropiaPlanets 1-year birthday EVENT

Discussion in 'Entropia Events' started by Lykke TheNun, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    To celebrate EntropiaPlanets turning 1 year old, on October 2nd, we will organize an event. The idea is we all head to Camp Phoenix around 18:00 MA time, and we will run north-ward into the very middle of the Hadesheim crater for an exploration and truth-seeking mission. ​

    After Calypso became inhabitable again, the impact of the War Titan Typhon that destroyed our former capital of Hadeheim has for long formed a mystery. Bots swarm the place, and recently, a writer of the EntropiaStar who tried exploring there rightfully wondered aloud whether they were hiding something there. Could it be that the Hydra robot our colonies were recently exposed to have an origin in the Hadesheim crater?​

    Even if we find nothing, we will still kick some robot butt. Death to the tin torture!​

    We suggest we meet up around 17:45 MA time on Saturday October 2nd at Camp Phoenix. We will make dedicated teams lead by staff members of EntropiaPlanets, and then move forward altogether. The teams will be set to "Stack Share" so fair loot distribution will be guaranteed in occordance to damage dealt. ​

    Important: Any items with a loot value of over 50 PED will be collected by the group leader, and put into the ingame auction. The proceedings will then be split among all the team members. If you cannot live with this, please do not join the teams. ​

    The goal is to destory as many robots as we can, and hopefully to penetrate their defensive lines until we reach the very primary point of impact so we can once and for all figure out what is going on there. And who knows, perhaps we stumble across some former Hadesheim artifacts on our way. If this will be the case, we will ensure these items are put into a museum so those who fell on that memorable day can be properly remembered and honoured.​

    The bots might have won that battle...
    but they have not won the war!

    (Sign up here if you're interested in joining to give us an indication of how many will participate.
    You may bring friends, soc mates, mothers, cats & whatever else which can walk and crawl :) (no pet spiders, please))​
  2. I will be unavailable for this mission, as I will be examining terran air and spacecraft that day.

    However, when you get to Hadesheim, please engage and destroy as many of those pesky drone elites as possible. Make sure to mention the enormous unpaid bar tab and property destruction they caused at H-Day!

    Terminus Roboticus!

  3. Unless something really goes wrong I will be there!
  4. Oh this sounds like fun, I will try my best to make it :alcohol:

    And congratulations on 1 year [​IMG]

    How has this year gone so fast?
  5. safara

    safara Pamwe Chete

    Rummaging in Storage for the Vigi....

    Will be there to generally run around and try not to die too much heehee

    Happy Bday EP :Beerchug:
  6. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Damn capital letters lol :beerchug:

    And thanks :D great you join
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    THIS IS TONIGHT - bump bump :yay:
  8. A truth-seeking mission on the mysteries surrounding Hadesheim
    + celebration of this cool forum = I'm in!!

    See you :)
  9. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    missed this but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EntropiaPlanets :)
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