Planet Arkadia: Entropia Universe: Explore Arkadia

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia' started by MitchyMoo, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. MitchyMoo

    MitchyMoo Captain

    Hi everyone! So, I've recently had a lot more free time so I decided after almost a month to film and produce the next episode in my 'Explore Entropia' series, episode 3 features the infamous Arkadia.

    The third episode in the series, 'Explore Arkadia' puts a real focus on showcasing the epic environments, landscapes and structures that dominate the planet. Arkadia is an stunning world with the emphasis placed on exploration, treasure hunting and adventure. I've tried to create this feel as much as possible, and although it's only short at under 3 minutes, I hope you enjoy it. Now go out and explore!

    As always, I like these shot films to inspire and encourage debate please voice you're comments, memories and thoughts.

    So without further ado, episode three: Entropia Universe: Explore Arkadia! Please watch in 1080p!

    If you missed my other two short films, you can find them here:

    Explore Calypso:

    Explore ROCKtropia:

    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Simply awesome Mitchy, I think your best yet, and I have added it to the MSM Video Library.

    It can be found under --> "EU Multi-Media/Video Library/Arkadia" - the other two have already been under their respective planet sections for a while now. Glad to see you have continued this. :thumbsup:
  3. MitchyMoo

    MitchyMoo Captain

    Bump :)
  4. MitchyMoo

    MitchyMoo Captain

    Bump :)
  5. MitchyMoo

    MitchyMoo Captain

    Bump :)
  6. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    You plan to cover the NI & Cyrene too?
  7. MitchyMoo

    MitchyMoo Captain

    Yes of course! Can't stop with just 3/5 can I?

    Work will begin again when I have enough time, which is scarce at the moment. But, which would you like to see coming out next? Cyrene? Or NI?

  8. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    Cyrene would make more sense seeing as NI seems to be on its last legs
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