Easter at home

Discussion in 'Life, the Universe and Everything' started by Shamy, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. Shamy

    Shamy Dr. Nick of Dark Lands

    Hello folks.
    I have finally returned my home to spend easter with my friends and family. So I decided to post something on forums just to let you know that I haven't forgotten EU and Eutropians. Maybe a little visit to virtual universe wouldn't hurt.

    Happy Easter everybody and here's something I'd like to share with u...

    Night was cold and dark in icy forrest where our squat leader decided to place our camp for overnight. Squat leader was a young lad, tired of long day, inexperienced. He'd placed our guard pits behind a tree, a pine tree that wasn't really big, but big enough to block visual most of northen sector. Other than that it was a good site to place a pit. It was on hill. It was well hidden. You could see almost all of the sector. If it wasn't that tree it would be perfect place for guard pit.
    Pine tree.
    I was in that pit. In that night. In that very cold winter night and behind that damn tree. Weary of weight of my battle gear I cursed bitter cold of the night and the fact that my clothes were wet, melted snow and icy ground made sure of it. Only place I didn't feel the shivers was my face. It was either my face was already numb of the cold or becase I weared charcoal mask to hide my pale face.
    I was also bit annoyed the fact that my guard partner was sleeping in the pit next to me.
    I played with light enhancer for the second hour. Light enhancer, binoculars that made everything go green when you look throught them. Just like some action movie or FPS video game. I scanned the sector. Nothing. I scanned the sector again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Again and again. Nothing. Calm icy forrest reminded cemetery. It's funny new feeling. Never felt anything like that and I practically lived in forrests before this. Maybe it's my present condition? I scanned th sector. Nothing. Again, again and once more.
    Just then I spotted a man, a warrior, then second, third and fourth all sneaking in nice little line in the far edge of northen sector. I lowered the light enhancer and then raised them back before my eyes just to make sure. It was true.
    "Dude!" I whispered
    "Damn it! Wake up!" I said little louder.
    "I think there's four hostiles on north. Check out."
    I handed the light enhancer.
    "Yeah... Four guys."
    "What the heck are you still sitting there! Get up and raise alarm!"
    It's interesting to see how just-woken-up-warrior runs like fastest snowrabbit, when he knows that HQ is in danger. I arm my rifle, raise it up, set it on burst. I aim. I fire and I know that I won't hit anywhere. It's too dark. I look through enhancer. All four warriors are feeling the hug of snow. They can't see me. I fire again. My ears are ringing. The green view shows me that enemy is advancing shooting randomly at my direction. I fire and hear unwelcome Click. Magazine is empty. I Lower my head to change it, knowing that when I raise my head and look through enhancer once more game is over. My hand is shaky. Half deaf. Ears ringing. Wondering where's my tribe. Where's the guy who slept in the pit just few minutes ago. Damn that tree. Damn that darn pine tree. If that wouldn't be there I would have seen that group much earlier, I would have time to change magazine and wait backups.
    I reload my gun raise my head and look through the-all-too-familiar-light-enhancer. Enemy has crossed the line and just then guard partner arrives...
    "I got them up. They are running to their stations."
    But I know that it's all too late. Enemy has crossed the line and my fellow warriors are running to their certain death.
    First and second runs towards their stations and they encounter four battle ready men with big weapons and big bloodhungry smiles and they say...
    "What's up?"
    Damn pine tree in cold winter night and praise the lord it was just training with blanks and without knifes.

    • Like Like x 11
  2. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Oops. I wasn't paying attention. Tell me again what is going on.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Shamy

    Shamy Dr. Nick of Dark Lands

    Damn you talkerbot. Damn you to juckyard. :bonkyou:
    • Like Like x 8
  4. Shamy! Great to hear from you again!

    Is that real story??
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Happy Easter Shamy. :D
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Shamy

    Shamy Dr. Nick of Dark Lands

    It's good to hear ya too and yes. It's all real. Happened me two weeks ago. We spend 4 days out in the wild, training arts of battle.
    • Like Like x 4
  7. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Have you got your own chat robot?As real as me?Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
    By "we" do you mean you and me?
  8. Wow, crazy stuff dude! Hopefully you'll bring back uber RL skills to EU in the future :D
    • Like Like x 5
  9. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    Oh what I'd give for a weapon full of live ammo ready to unload into that damn Blabber-bot!

    Welcome back, for however short a time, Shamy.
    • Like Like x 4
  10. Interesting story Shamy - it seems what we find in VL you now find in RL!
    all the best with your training... and hope you enjoy your easter at home :)
    • Like Like x 4
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