Entropia News: Deeptoken Airdrop Campaign

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    This is the worst thing about it. There are SO many ICOs now, most of which being total bollocks, that just one more that only made 90k won't get even vaguely noticed among the noise. It's easy money but it is still wrong.

    The bit that really pisses me off is that likely they paid the ICO/cryto experts more than what they made already. They look like the types for demand fat cat consultancy daily rates.

    How much did ND's make incidentally? At least he actually hired some programmers to make something. All Mindark have done is throw up a web page, and write a document.... oh and ran an event in London to promote it

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    OK so assuming no more tokens are sold... we have a budge of $92k


    The token sale will take place March 2018 via www.DeepToken.io. 125 million tokens will be generated following the event, with 100 million tokens available for purchase. The remaining 25 million will be allocated to MindArk to provide a capital buffer.

    • Development of the IPX including Entropia Universe Development - 50 % - $46k enough for a developer for a year, but actually I think they said the integration was due for delivery in Q2 or Q3 2018 so maybe they can put 2 devs on this. If it is billed as financial development (fin-tech) though I could well imagine this might not be enough. Guessing people in that world probably charge the earth.
    • Marketing and PR - 25% - $23k I'm gonna guess this might have covered the website/page (which is reasonably flashly to be fair) so they might be home free on this one
    • Business Development (B2B) - 5% - $4.6k, possibly enough to get that document thought up and written and all associated ideas... not convinced though
    • Legal and Regulatory - 5% - $4.6k, again, might be enough. Would imagine the people who would provide this sort of advice probably charge at least $1000 a day.
    • Token Offering Costs (Advisors and Enablers) - 10% - $9.2k, don't think that is gonna cut it or come even close
    • Contingency Fund - 5% - $4.6k sure ok.
    • Token Sale - 80% - do we need to scale everything above down by a factor of 0.8?
    • Capital Buffer - 20%
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Try clicking the link... it redirects to http://wareplai.com/ which is a broken single image site about a smart clothing experience.

    However the http://arvadalabs.com/blog/ works, which I found through google. It has only 4 posts over 6 months (nothing since mid 2017), mostly short paragraphs on the potential of AR and one about a TV show they are making. There they say:

    However try finding them in the exhibitor list...

    their upcoming augmented reality TV show “Augmented Breakdown”

    doesn't appear to have materialised either...

    They are hiring though...

    VUforia (sounds a bit like a special word to describe the euphoria associated with MA releasing a VU with actual content in it!) is some sort of middleware? https://www.youtube.com/user/vuforia.

    That's my lot for those guys... ok I came back. Had a look. The tech looks like impressive object tracking on a phone which is rather cutting edge and cool. That said though I get the impression it is super clunky and can well imagine it eats phone batteries for breakfast. AR games were tried with Nintendo 3DS. They were indeed cool but for some reason hardly any were made and generally it just didn't seem to catch on. Nor did the 3d screen for that matter... even though it was also super cool. I mean, 3d, without glasses. Awesome! (but there were issues).

    All that said though I do wonder if this has the possibility of catching on
    I think the collaboration/streaming is the most useful thing but the marking up ability could be useful. Like most vid conference stuff though I can't imagine it will be a super easy experience.

    Blue whale games seem to have made something that looks like compet

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
    • Informative Informative x 2
  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    No shit...

    Somewhere else they claim instant PED withdrawals via deeptoken. I guess this will only apply to people who've had the PED in game long enough to avoid chargebacks.

    50k gas units sounds like a hell of a lot... I don't think we get through than many units of Gas per month at home...
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
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  5. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    VUforia actually looks pretty cool - and it sounds like it is getting a fair bit of use already too. I'm now wondering about putting that giant pandora tower into real life - I suspect that wouldn't work really as to see it you'd need to look up (unless very far away) but would be cool... maybe in the future

    edit: looks like you don't need to keep the ground in view after all.... hmm... massive tower....

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
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  6. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    According to MA's statement, they had been eyeing the crypto market for at least a year and a half. Their current CEO Henrik earlier was their Chief Strategy Officer, so he's just on regular payroll, and most likely the guy who knew a bit more about Cryptocoin than the fossils.

    I'd be highly surprised if the other advisers are paid beyond the 10% of the capital raised through the ICO, with their reward depending on how well the ICO did. In total, they'll have to split less than 10k; not anything I'd get out of bed for, let alone partner up with MA and tarnish my professional reputation for.

    A few million, if you have to believe the rumours. However, the value of his coin dropped drastically, and I think that largely effected MA's ICO as well. People who were willing to invest in ND probably also would have invested in MAs ICO. However, with most of them loosing their money in a short while, and others seeing how their peers fared, I think it posed massive scepticism. Add to that the typical MA incompetence, and you have an explanation as to why they fail to meet even 0.1% of their desired capital.

    You'd be able to hire me from my employer for less than a month for 46k USD. And we're in a solid business, which is growing. Not CryptoMarket, where experience is measured in months, and that is bubble-based (meaning you'll likely be charged a heck of a lot more by a consultant, because the time they can suck your money from you is fairly limited).

    No. This simply means that out of 100m tokens, 80% is sold, with MA keeping 20%. So with the sale raising (let's be generous) 100k, MA's own buffer of these tokens equals 100.000/80 * 20 = 25k USD. Though most likely the value of deeptoken will plummet right after the ICO finishes, meaning that the "investors" are left with worthless coins they cannot sell (like the ND Coin), and MA's fictional reserve is equally worthless.

    As for Vuforia using Unity for their code, that'll be interesting to integrate with EU. I bet MA's master coders will ensure a seamless and bugfree integration. </sarcasm> The success of their AR game will largely depend on marketing. The reason why Pokemon Go did as well as it did, is (duh) because of the Pokemon name.

    Pokemon Go actually uses the exact tech of Ingress (even the locations are similar). The same tech will soon be used in a Harry Potter themed game. I'm guessing that, too, will become a gigantic success. A few months later, MindArk will most likely attempt to hitchhike a ride on that gravy train, but as usual, be too late, and fail to reach a large enough public, while their existing customer base seriously starts wondering whether EU will ever become the primary focus of MindArk again.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    In calculations don't forget that there's a relatively big share of bonus token nobody paid for, for example that one 50k token purchase got a 10k volume bonus and another 5k time bonus. A total of ~70k USD revenue (not profit) is probably more realistic.

    Many consultants work for a fixed base fee plus profit-based bonus. No idea what the rates are in this area but base costs should already be 10ks of USDs. On the other hand, not sure whether there was actually any consultancy done beyond posing as a confidence builder on the website.

    I guess everyone can agree that this was a major fail, just as Compet. In other environments this could lead to firing the CEO and other people responsible.

    Yep, and they arrived at their current top position after 6 -7 years of development plus massive tech infusions from various Google projects. I don't think anyone else will get anywhere close in the near future.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. 92002 DTA sold.

    Just over 15 hours left.

    Getting this on record in case they extend things again or the site disappears never to be heard of nor discussed in official circles again.

    92002 DTA
    9999907998 DTA
    • Like Like x 2
  9. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Yup, was going to add this. I'm also guessing that the recent increase we saw from 89k to 902k is the MailDrop bonuses being handed out. I.e. no extra revenue, just people claiming their 4 USD (soon to be worth 0.04 USD).
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • SOLD
      92001 TOKENS
    • RAISED
      9999907998 ETH
    • RAISED
      65870 USD

      There you have it. Official announcement from DT website.

      Not sure what the massive Ether figure means? Think they copied and pasted and slipped up?

      Let the Crypto Future begin!
  11. Well apparently it isn’t a typo and showing correctly at their end.



    And you’ll never believe this....

    The fricking DT sale isn’t over yet! HaHaHaHa!

    I asked Loki when it would close and he said he didn’t know and I’d have to email info@DeepTokenLyingF**K**s.whatever.

    So. Expect this to go on for several years.

    I told Loki I didn’t sign up for this and wanted my money back.

    “You will have to email....”.

    “C**t” I wanted to say.
  12. Deep Countdown 01.jpg

    "the swedish tradition of excellence" and "a very high bar for quality"
    • Like Like x 1
  13. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Funny, mine shows yet other numbers:


    Math is hard. 1 DTA mysteriously disappeared. (99,999,999 <> 100,000,000).

    The number before the MailDrop (that they weren't going to do, because it would reduce the investment of the tokens, but let's do one anyway, because fuck the investors) announcement was about 89k. That means that even when MA was giving away free tokens, they didn't manage to even get 5.000 people to join the MailDrop (and let's face it, chances are a bunch of people participated with more than 1 account). Worse is that the effect of the MailDrop for sales was apparently jack shit.

    I hope that there is some serious head scratching going on at MA HQ today, as to why even the most loyal MA fans didn't bite on this opportunity. On PCF, the MailDrop thread hasn't been updated with the final results yet, and I can only assume this is because literally nobody gives a shit. Fuck, man. Even NEVERDIE managed to raise more money than MindArk and their "20 years of experience".

    I really hope you're not serious. They clearly stated all unsold tokens would be deleted:

    Source: FAQ, under Technical.

    If MindArk doesn't want to lose even more face than they already have, they just accept they failed miserably, and figure out other ways to keep their company running. If I were them I'd start by cutting away some dead meat on the Payroll, and focusing on what kept them going for all these years; Entropia. Reach out to the partners, and repair the relationships that they shat on for the last few years while they pursued anything other than Entropia. Address the fuckload of bugs. Start engaging with the players again, rather than just considering them to be easily replaceable bags of money. Make the game fun to play again. Change its dynamics so the items looted might have some value again, rather than ensuring pretty much everything turns into TT food.

    Oh, and for gods' sake, fire Timkrans, Simmonds and Jerkrot, with a nice recommendation for other companies to never ever let them get into any position where they can do damage again ever.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    There's some interesting stuff to see on the WaybackMachine's version of the deeptoken site, by the way:


    For instance, compare this:

    With the advisors from the actual live site.

    My absolute favorite is this gem, though:


    So they claim to produce over $400 million in GNP, but their slide does not reflect that at all. This could, of course, be explained by the deliberately misleading y-axis scale (Apparently the y-Axis does not start at 0, but the gap between 800-1,600 is equally big as the one between 1,600 and 3,200), but then the only conclusion is that the actual growth between 2012 and 2017 is absolutely minimal (Which contradicts the State of the Unions and Financial reports that for the last few years have boasted spectacular growth).

    Secondly, I love the linear development from 2012-2017. And then, magically, in 2018 there's a huge increase in GNP, while the number of microtransactions actually is cut in half. So apparently the average value of the microtransactions in 2018 will dramatically and magically increase.

    I think I get why the slide was cut from the final presentation...
    • Like Like x 2
    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  15. I think this DT fiasco will finally push me to completely sell out of EU and ride away from this nonsense into a real-life sunset.

    Need some advice about best way to sell skills though. Maybe McCormick will advise as he’s sold skills recently and I’m not sure how to do the maths when the buyer supplies the esi?

  16. There are still skill buyers out there. Mostly resellers, not ubers that actually need them.
    Many skills are useless. Noone buys them.

    If you are in a hurry, it can be done in some hours. You wont get auction prices, but at least some PEDs to play or cash out.

    I could initiate a trade for you, but Im not logging in often. :p
  17. McCormick when you say ‘initiate a trade’ do you mean act as a middleman and arrange for me to meet with your dealer/contact?

    Please let me have some details. I will probably give it a few days because I’m too angry at the moment to think or act rationally.
  18. u got a pm
  19. Thanks Mac but couldn’t open it or I’m doing something wrong.

    Will have another try.
  20. OK opened message, read it and replied.
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