Planet Cyrene: Cyrene - "Unfinished Business" - Part 2

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by MindStar9, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Hey my dear friend ... thanks for your kind comments, they are much appreciated. :hug:

    With regard to your question about the novels for Cyrene ... the only thing I can share at this point is what I've mentioned in other posts without revealing specifics, and that is ... "official" Cyrene storyline, along with other written offerings will be published across various mediums ... that's as much as I can reveal right now, sorry. :wink:

    With regard to memories ... how could I not draw from over 6-1/2 years of experiencing this universe. There have been many exceptional individuals (like yourself) that I have shared time with that have created those memories, and the very reason and drive that kept me going. I've said it a gazillion times already, that it's all about the community for me, and I'm SO looking forward to interacting with new and veteran Entropians when it comes to Cyrene as well.

    Right now, it's all in writing format and the covert ops missions (besides the "official" writing that I'm doing behind the scenes), but it doesn't mean that I won't slip in something special now and then that refers to someone specific who inspired me from the past, or ... even engage someone from the present to play a role from the current writing aspect that might lead to a more involved role after Cyrene launches and I continue the covert ops activities in game.

    Storyline is huge for some people, and while there will be plenty of "official" Cyrene storyline throughout the game, and woven within the fabric of player activities, there will also be role-playing activities and events tied into Cyrene lore to make it more interesting and fun, along with prizes of course. It just can't be a shoot 'em up game, there has to be more depth, intrigue, and inspiration for getting involved, or engaging yourself in Cyrene activities.

    On another note ... we have some really cool plans with MSR that will involve the community with some of the activities that we do, as well as a weekly recap of what's happening on Cyrene. This is where citizens of Cyrene get to make their presence known, but that's all I'm saying right now. :biggrin:

    Oh and ... regarding the sleep patterns that suck ... ya, that hasn't changed, but I don't really have to worry about it that much ... I sleep when I sleep, and I've changed my schedule to accommodate my Cyrene teammates as well since Ed and Kris are 12 hours ahead of me right now, and Lykke 6 hours ahead of me - it all works out. :thumbsup:

    Take care Shawty ... and I'm looking forward to creating some new memories! :yay:
  2. KiriHime

    KiriHime Natural Born Killers

    Awesome :) I do love a good storyline in a game.

    Well, whenever you guys get some novels rolling off the presses I'll be sure to pick them up but they better have you as the author! ;)

    I wonder if in your storyline you'll have a character who runs headfirst in to danger outmatched while you're yelling at him...hmmm I wonder who that sounds

    Can't wait for part 3!
  3. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    *breaks out into song* ...

    THOSE WERE THE days my friend, I thought they'd never end, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah ... and yes, that reminded me a lot of "been there, done that" moments for sure. I thought "I" was a pretty fearless and in your face huntress until I met YOUR crazy-ass self. As you already know, anything is possible with my writing. :biggrin:

    And just as an FYI ... everything I write for Cyrene, whether "official" storyline or otherwise will be under the MindStar9 name - it's a familiar name associated with EU and it works well, so it was agreed to in the contract. :smile: However, please keep in mind that we have other writers on the team that will be making their contributions as well. They're more behind the scenes right now, and I'm the only one blending creative Cyrene storyline into role-playing fan fiction with Ed and Kris and publishing it.

    The goal is to add another dimension that will ultimately transition into live storyline activities on the planet once it launches that will continue to reveal more about Cyrene, as well as get citizens involved in the fun. Ed loves role-playing and fan fiction, so there's no chance of it stopping anytime soon for sure.

    I'm already working on Part 3, but can take it only so far before Ed and I have to sit down again and collaborate on story arcs, but that's a fun part of the process for sure. I can't guarantee when Part 3 will be published, because that all depends on Ed's schedule and his availability - planet development comes first, and we also have my other (official) project we have to work on as well. We'll get it out as soon as we can. :wink:
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  4. KiriHime

    KiriHime Natural Born Killers

    I'll be staying tuned most definitely :)
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