Creatures Directory

Discussion in 'Creatures' started by NextIslandForum, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Creatures Directory (What's that? More info in Post #3.)

    Next Island Creatures
    (Ancient Greece Creatures have their own section further below)
    Brown Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Buccaneer Skeleton
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Buka Bird
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Death Drake
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Deep Ocean King Shark
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Drake King
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Fire Drake
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Great White Shark
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations  Loot Globals

    Grey Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Ice Drake
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Island Shark
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Mountain Boar
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Mutant Boar
    Profile  Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Petit Brown Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Petit Grey Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions LocationsLoot Globals

    Petit Red Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Petit Yellow Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Pirate Skeleton
    Profile  Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Pitt Monkey
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Portal Guardian
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Red Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Sacred Boar
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Profile  Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Profile Maturities Missions Locations  Loot Globals

    Snow Drake
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot  Globals

    Space Pirate Skeleton
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot  Globals

    Storm Drake
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot  Globals
    Village Boar
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Vulcan Drake
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Wild Boar
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Yellow Papoo
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Ancient Greece

    Arges Cyclops·

    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Brontes Cyclops
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals
    Steropes Cyclops
    Profile Maturities Missions Locations Loot Globals

    Link: Next Island Creatures on EP Wiki

  2. Next Island

    Ancient Greece
  3. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Well, the goodies finally arrived:

    The Creatures Directory

    What's that?

    Post #1 of this thread is basically a link list to further creature threads.

    Each of these threads contains a couple of posts supposed to display various data. The source of this data is EP Wiki and the trick is when the data gets updated on the wiki it will also be updated in the forum posts automatically. Depending on the 'job queue' of the wiki this can take a while but should not take longer than 24 hours, this is because the pages are chached to increase performance. But there's also an option to 'hard refresh' which will cause data to be updated immediately.

    Why's that?

    The major advantage of this method is the fact that the data on the forums is coming from a central source that can be edited cooperatively. Everyone can contribute, it doesn't need the original poster to keep everything up to date anymore. Also the design/structure is consistent across all posts, there are more design options available than natively on forums, basic calculations can be included, etc etc etc.


    Yes. Unfortunately links a leading to pages being displayed inside the boxes inside the forum posts when simply clicking them. You need to open the links in new tabs or windows to avoid this.

    When following links to the wiki you are currently not logged in on the wiki. To edit pages you need to log in and then browse to the page you want to edit. That's cumbersome and hopefully will be changed soon.

    So this is not done yet?

    This is the first implementation of this kind, it's in test mode and will be further improved. Please have a look at the directory and let us know what you think. Any questions, suggestions, criticism, ... really appreciated.

    And who's doing what?

    The design and content of the boxes is managed on EP wiki. Technically actually anyone can make changes but formally it's up to NIF to decide what to display in what fashion. The threads and posts are completely under control of NIF.

    Further questions/comments

    For everything related to the Creature Directory you can post in this thread. For anything wiki-specific not related to the Creature Directory you can post in the EP Wiki forum section. For anything NIF-specific not related to the Creature Directory you can post hm... somewhere on NIF.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. I like the idea of it, but don't like how the information is across multiple posts. Like the first post that has the links, don't understand the reason for post 2 and 3. And then when you click on a link the information is across multiple posts again with other posts not having any relevant data. To much clicking going on :)

    And I am not sure you will be able to get approval from the OP as some of them no longer visit the forum.
  5. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Post #1 of this thread is a ToC/Index of the Creatures Directory linking to the individual creature threads.

    Post #2 of this thread is something different and not done yet. It will show an overview of creatures with a couple of very basic parameters automatically updated by the wiki and the links will lead to wiki pages.

    The individual creature threads have several posts... make them easier to maintain
    ...because 'chunking' of information should make it more accessible enable the option to link to specific data (fx, the post with the missions) be flexible for future changes

    The structure right now is
    #1 Basic profile, damage types
    #2 Maturites
    #3 Missions
    #4 Locations (Spawns)
    #5 Loot
    #6 Globals
    #7 reserved for additional/future stuff

    "Additional/future stuff" could be
    - events involving the creature
    - instances containing the creature
    - taming
    - list of contributors
    - images/videos
    - textures and related info
    - whatever MA is up to: riding, cockfights, livestock farming, genetic engineering

    I think if you put all of that into just one post that post will be really crowded but we can test that as soon as more data has been added.

    Right now many posts contain no data because the according wiki pages have not been created yet or are empty. It's a task for everyone to change that.

    However, the whole thing is completey under control of NIF and EP wiki is just feeding data. Whatever the management or members of NIF decide to do with it will be done (if possible).

    How about this one: :sneaky:
  6. LOL I don't recall seeing that in the release notes! :eek:

    You have my permission to use what ever I posted to help out :thumbsup:

    Yes, I realize its a work in progress, just commenting on what I see now. :) After your explanation I can picture it better :)
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    looking good, I will do my best to get even more info in the wiki (if that is even possible :))
  8. I think it's a nice way of presenting the data and yes, there's a lot of clicking, but I'm sure we'll get used to it over time and as the information grows. It will also become more immediately understandabe once more information is available.

    A few points I've noticed.

    In the list for NI in post #1 above, Drake King is not linked to anything.
    In those creature threads where there is no data for maturity, clicking the link 'Add Maturity' just blanks the post and doesn't go anywhere.
    and until there is more data it might be a good idea to have headings for posts #4 - #6 in the creature threads, like the headings in posts #2 and #3.
  9. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Well, there's a lot of data, hence a lot of clicking. What I thought of is direct links to specific data in the index (post #1 of this thread), like
    That's a lot of work someone would need to do.

    Drake King is not linked because it has no individual thread yet because I wasn't able to find any infomartion about it. Question is how adding/editing threads will be handled. The NextIslandForum account is a shared account every staff member can use. I'm not a staff member, I just helped out a little bit and I think it would be good to make this more of a NIF project. Maybe NIF needs another staff member or two?!?

    Clicking links like "Add maturity" is probably the major crux of the whole project. Clicking links opens wiki pages inside the frame containing the link. In case of "Add maturity" you get the edit form on the wiki but you can't see that because it's black letters on black background... Unfortunately this cannot be changed, meaning the links only make sense if you open them in a new tab/window. It's definitely a little annoying but currently there's no reasonable way around it.

    Headings for posts #4-#6 can be created by creating the according wiki pages and put a heading on them. I will look into it later/tomorrow. It might be even possible to enable freestyle editing of these pages, just not sure whether that would make sense since we are expecting to have options for editing this kind of data with forms in a few weeks.
  10. Unfortunate, but only slightly annoying when you know what to do.

    However, when following a link to an EP page I am not automatically logged in to EP, so I can't edit anything unless I log in. Clicking the 'log in' link takes me to the EP forum page, where I am automatically logged in, and from which I have to navigate back to the edit page. Which defeats the object of linking directly to the edit page.
  11. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Perhaps there will be a solution to this very soon :)
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Oh well, yes, that's the reason why the individual frames don't have edit links. No matter what you do currently you end up in a dead end.

    Let's see whether we can find a workaround.
  13. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Alrighty, #4 and #5 are showing headlines now. Additionally they can be edited free-style. For example Mutant Boar has a map for locations.

    These are workarounds until the features to edit locations/loot are up and running.

    Post #6 is not showing headlines yet- I thought it would not be necessary to have a workaround since we expect to have a final solution very soon. Just waiting for input from another major EU tool :sneaky:.
  14. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Please have a look at the Achelous and Arges Cyclops entries in post #1 of this thread, would that be a better solution? Which of the both?
    • Like Like x 2
  15. I like that much better, and I would go with the bullets instead of the numbering :)
  16. Yep, I also prefer the bullets to the numbering.

    I also undertand that this is still a work in progess, and I like the way it's going :)
  17. I must say the new creature directories are very impressive, both displaying on the forums (more impressive) and just in general on the Entropia Planets wiki!
    • Like Like x 3
  18. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Ok, I tried to apply the structure but not even half done and I ran into a 10000 characters/post limit...

    The index seems to get quite big, vertically, lots of scrolling instead of clicking, lol, maybe a format like below would be better?

    A Creature
    ◦ Profile ◦ Maturities ◦ Missions ◦ Locations ◦ Loot ◦ Globals

    B Creature
    »Profile » Maturities » Missions  »Locations » Loot » Globals

    C Creature
    Profile  Maturities  Missions Locations  Loot  Globals

    Oh, I understand that you all understand that this is work in progress. All feedback is more than welcome and it's much more your project than mine, I'm just executing. ;)
  19. If it cuts down on scrolling/clicking I am all for it :)

    And I like C Creature setup
  20. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    added Drake King,
    added links to individual posts,
    reformated to C Creature setup,
    added link to NI Creatures on EP,
    added contributors box,
    added further info to post #3.

    And herewith I would like stop working on the forum part of the creatures directory and finally hand that over to NIF staff.

    I think it's quite elaborated already and a good start.
    • Like Like x 4
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