Entropia News: ComPet app and ComPet deeds

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. UPDATE 07 July 2014
    ComPet Deeds are now available on the Entropia Universe global auction via the PC client, and via the Virtual Tycoon Android app.

    More information about the ComPet App:
    • The ComPet App will provide new business opportunities for MindArk, and will help to grow the Entropia Universe user base.
    • The ComPet App content and art style will be separate from that of Entropia Universe.
    • There are no plans at the moment to make ComPet pets available in Entropia Universe.
    • Development of the ComPet App will not negatively impact the development, nor the performance of Entropia Universe. In fact the servers will be entirely separate.
    • The economies of Entropia Universe and the ComPet App will be entirely separate.

    Entropia Universe brings gameplay to Smartphone, Tablet and Web Browser!


    Finally you will be able to play the Entropia Universe(EU) on different platforms.

    The new Competition Pet (ComPet) system will provide features of Entropia Universe, including creature clashes, and bring them together in an exciting smartphone, tablet and web browser application.

    Smartphone, tablet and browser users will be able to compete with one another by selecting one of the many pets available in the ComPet application. There are various maturity and price levels available to fit players of all types, including a free-to-play version. Once a pet has been selected the user will choose a number of “buffs” and “add-ons” that can both personalize the pet and enhance its combat prowess. Next, users carefully prepare a unique battle plan; this is a set of special instructions for the pet on how to engage its rival. Once the user is satisfied with the pet configuration, the pet can be entered into the ComPet Arena or enlisted for defense duty at the user’s home base. In any battle, trainers can win real cash prizes. If players play for free they can win special pet upgrades and points; if played for PED (Project Entropia Dollars), they can win more PED, which can be exchanged for real cash.


    Additionally, any player can be part of this revenue opportunity and earn PED when smartphone, tablet and web browser users play the new Entropia Universe ComPet App. Before launch, 200,000 ComPet Deeds, priced at 100 PED (10 USD) each, will be made available through the webshop and in the Entropia Universe auction. Deeds can be acquired by anyone with an Entropia Universe account, even those who may not have installed the full Entropia Universe PC client software. They can alternatively purchase deeds through the Virtual Tycoon Android mobile app and start earning revenue from ComPet activity, which is scheduled for launch in Q1 2015.

    Deed holders will receive 30% of the gross ComPet revenue. In addition, the ComPet affiliate program will enable users to recruit their friends and earn a 15% share of their recruited users’ activity. The remaining 70% (or 55% in the case of an affiliate-referred user) of revenue will go toward marketing, operation and support for the ComPet App. In conjunction with MindArk’s accountants, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), the ComPet App accounts will be available for inspection and published on the Entropia Universe website.

    The graph below shows the annual return on the ComPet deeds as a function of the number of paying users (possible revenue share from affiliate program not included).


    Assumptions underlying the graph:

    1. That the average user lifespan will be six months
    2. That 80% of the users will play for free and 20% will pay to play
    3. That the Average Revenue per Paying User and month (ARPU) will be 3 USD.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2014
  2. Competition Pets? Couldn't they just call it Combat Pets instead, it rolls off the tongue better :-)
  3. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    or pokemons
  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Wow er.... that is... er.... a whole load of... ah.. "special"


    PS I'd settle for less buggy and more featured virtual tycoon and a correctly animated avatar myself...
    PPS Where are the spider bombers MA?! We demand cute Spider Bombers!
  5. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    So the total deed value of 2 Million USD will receive 30% of the revenue, consequently 6.66 Million USD of revenues will be necessary to recoup investments.

    Let's have a little poll, click "Agree" or "Disagree", considering this statement:

    ComPet will generate revenues of more than 6.66 Million USD.

    • Disagree Disagree x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Wow...it's like watching a drowning man die in slow motion. Painful to watch.

  7. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    I went with agree, just cause these tablet games are always making some sort of money! And some are just cash cows! :alcohol:
    Btw, you should have put a time limit of how long it would take to make that type of money. My guess, 4 years! It will most likely be less, but you never know! :biggrin:
  8. lol, what you say is true...some mobile ap's and games make obscene amounts of money...no question.
    But how many games, and aps get made a year and how many hit and make money and how many fail.
    I could be wrong, and I make a promise that if i'm wrong i'll come back and make a post admitting I was wrong.
    In the meantime, it's a stupid idea, by a stupid company, that seem to be trying to throw every thing they can, at every wall they can find, and hoping something will stick, just to stay alive, because they failed at the original idea they brought to the table. They are trying every last angle they can think of to suck money out of people...and suckers are still biting. Who knows maybe they'll catch some more fish with their latest bs...

    If they had stuck with developing calypso and giving the paying customers bang for their buck, instead of aiming high and shooting low they may have had a future.

    PE and calypso itself was really never a huge sucess if you guage it by ever other MMO out there. But it had a niche and was the only one of it's kind. And they managed to even fuck that up. :laugh:.

    But rest assured if Entropia goes bust tommorrow Jan will be fine...he'll still have his mercedes and his home and his fat bank account...you can be sure of that. :wink:
    I applaude the EU community...not only are you one of the most mature out there but perhaps also the dumbest...lol
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. The more I think about it, the more I think it's a huge gamble. I use to work in mobile, I know that top games like Candy Crush can really rake in money. Some of the estimates suggests it pulls in close to US$1 million a day.

    But...it's very hard to break in mobile. Luck is involved and being in the right place at the right time. Also you rely on fickle consumers, who have to drive your game virally.

    They also need to bring it to iOS which is where the high-spenders are. But the PED element could fall foul of Apple's app terms & conditions. So that will be interesting to see. Generally Apple wants app developer to use their own payment/billing systems where they take a 30% cut.

    The other thought I had is that they have 6 months to deliver, so things are going to be more quiet than ever when it comes to updates.
  10. I think it will take at least 5 years, and that is a long time when you think on the life span of computer games..... The revenue needed to pay back the investment is around 60 % of the yearly revenue for all EU. I would be surprised if the yearly revenue for the Compet would be over 10% of the current total yearly revue (around 10M USD). Let's say the app gets 10% of the current revenue, it would take about 6-7 years to pay back the investment.

    I like the app, I'm a bit more skeptical about the price on the deeds. But at the same time, if it's gets popular it could bring in money faster. It's a bit of a gamble.
  11. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Steve I disagree that EU is a failure compared to some MMO's. Many stopped, or never even took off. Just cause something isn't mainstream (Eve, Wow, EQ) doesn't mean it is a failure. Entropia has survived through some pretty shit economic times and also through the MMO Craze leading to Boom/Bust for many MMO startups. I think the reason it has managed this is that it has stayed niche and small and hasn't pushed to get everyone and his dog playing till more recently.

    I do think they won't do that well with a mobile game. They have a trick in that not many (if any) games on social/mobile platforms tie into other larger MMO games so yes that may get them some interest, but people will have to KNOW about it first and I can't see that happening at all! I also think we can only speculate so much on what their outlay for Compets is. It could be they were approached by another company who essentially had a business proposition that they wanted to make a game and link it to EU. Maybe MA just said, sure what do you need? and go do, We don't know.

    Speculation is nice but I'm not convinced they sold the silver for this one or that it is any sort of "last gamble" or that they are in trouble or danger of liquidation... yet.

    I do concede there is a trend of "cash injection events" (but then lots of MMO's have events to keep players engaged....) and "cash injection incentives" happening lately which is a shame, cause I feel yet "more deeds" is causing them to loose their appeal/popularity somewhat. I have a feeling the pet related deeds won't be as popular as some of the other ones have been.

    • Like Like x 1
  12. 1.) Mindark was 2nd with the micropayment idea !
    2.) Mindark then messed it up (greatly) over the last 10 years !
    3.) Mindark suddenly decides to jump on the candycrush train.

    Anyway, forgive them, MindArk has not yet realized what they are trying to destroy.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Somehow I think this could end up ugly for some parents that leave their kids free in what games they want to play.
    This looks like something very funny for lots of young people that will all get a taste of real cash environment created and hosted by MindArk.

    And we all know how that will end up for most of the people their wallets around here.

    Well lets prepare for the battle of the age!
    • Hussked Hussked x 1

  14. ComPets + Web based Fighting Arenas(?) + Stable deeds = revenue

    This total package is not for the daily gam(bl)er, it is made for the investor. An investor who buys everything and into anything, to make a revenue of it. If it doesnt work, he will simply sell it to the next investor. And so on.

    Im not even sure how to interpret "battle arena (early 2015)" and "web based battle arena (early 2015).
    Will there really be fights just like on the screenshots ? Fights of mobs you could watch just like in 2004 ?
    We will see. Or not.

    The daily gam(bl)er will bet some PEDs here and do some arena fighting there. Especially on weeekends and when drunk. Or on so called "events". Means, investor will earn PEDs.
    It is like the good old days in the octagon...but this time you can even bet money on it.
    On your tablet, on your smartphone.
    There will be heavy cheating, there will be heavy complaining.

    Until all bugs are sorted and until the "skill-system" gets introduced for tamed animals, the investor might already have made some revenue, because Im sure every depositor wants to try this "new" feature.

    Is there still competition here, or are "akoz & his investorfriends" going to buy most of the stables ?
    Just because they can.

    Now, dear reader, go and enjoy your 5 land deeds and its revenue. If you could afford these, that is.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. ...........................
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. I think people make a to big deal of the
    And don't think many "kids" have their own credit/bank cards, or at least they should not have. It's more of a obstacle to deposits and withdraw from EU, and I actually thinks that comes with some benefits like in the case of preventing, or making it harder, for the game to be used in a way it not meant to be use, like gambling or shady business.
  17. You not need a CC to deposit, you not even need a bank-account to deposit. Ukash, PaySave ect ect...
    And to me it looks like a virtual pokemon battle arena, very popular at kids, and certain adults these days.

    I can only image this becoming a new hype for as long as it will last.
    Kids will buy some health points for the next fight instead of buying some lunch. ;)
  18. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    me too :drool: people are getting too fat anyway these days
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. LoL :) Getting them behind the screen all day will not make them more healthy and less fat.
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