blueprints tomorrow? (16th) Server Downtime for Release

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by jellyfish, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. pretty much what we were told 3 months ago..
  2. Yeap, because it hasn't arrived yet :p
  3. true, after three months of "will arrive very very soon" :p
  4. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    I know and if only I could give definitive information I so would. I will see what info can be given out to everyone.
  5. even a quick short reply like that one makes alot of difference... :)
    now it doesnt feel like we are waiting totally in vain and have been totally ignored and abandoned
    at this point any news other than "wait and see" is good news

    *sits down and waits patiently* :)
  6. *sits alongside Jellyfish, whistling discreetly*
  7. so... manny, want to play rock-paper-scissors while we wait?
  8. Sure :D

    go on 3!

  9. Paper! :) ^^
  10. rock - damnit. Go again?
  11. best out of 3 :)

    ok, get ready... here we go...
  12. installing the VU now, we'll call it a fought well :)
  13. I have no doubt that an awesome update will come - one day soon .. or wheneverver. But we have middle of February of 2011 now.
    As many of you I spent much to much ammo & decay on buggy revival terminals rescuing myself and others from crowds of crazy boars.
    I am fed up getting attacked and loosing health while standing in a house crafting or sorting my storage. The limited trade possibilities make it impossible to make a good usage of looted stuff ; the Trade Terminal is a waste of money for many goods, the Auction system is not realy helpful because of the expensive fees for extraplanetary offers, the one way TP fee of 40 PED makes a self exporting business very unprofitable.
    I have been trusting too long, that in the near future things will improve and change.
    I do not want to be negative here, it is just my analysis and my conclusion: I will wait, just as NI is waiting to give us the updates we are waiting for so long.
    I do like NI, it has the layout for an fantastic world and there is a fantastic community, but the fees I have to pay as an ongoing beta tester are just too high for me.
    I will be among the first to be active here again, when progress can be seen but until then my investments in NI will be: 0
    Good luck to all of you in your survival fight
    See you again hopefully in a not to distant time
  14. Next time we'll do Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spok ;)

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  15. ROFL :)
    yeah lets do that next time ^^
  16. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Well, I'm off until such time as NI becomes/has at the minimum all that it has been advertised as. I got used to false advertising with MA (my MA atm card should go in a museum now I think), but I had hoped for better from all of the new PPs. I have all along given the benefit of the doubt to the devs, believing they did their part and are simply held hostage to MA implementing the work they have done, but NI helped me decide my return to EU to explore and consider investing was a pipe dream, so whether devs or MA (or both) are not up to the job, no matter at this point, since none of them will tell us peons the simple truth anyway.

    After finishing the hunt I was last on when kicked off the server, I will wander around the universe and see what there is to see, and will of course return once NI is actually launched and fully functional. Good luck to all of you who can afford (and are willing to) to support NI until then, and good luck to NI with the reality tv dating show, which we have not yet officially heard about on this forum, like most else.
  17. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    I'm probably just stupid, but tried crafting some Breer Pa1's - just normal crafting, no gambling. Lost 400 PED :( and no bp's ... so guess nothing happened yet.

    I also ran around south of Biggle Bog and the place is still bugged (changes sky all the time).

    And nope ... crystals still can't be refined ...

    Guess we where forgotten in this update :cries out loud:
  18. Is that tar I smell??
  19. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Black and sticky ...
  20. lol, you guys still haven't forgotten about the tar? :)
    but you all fail to mention the chicken feathers o_O
    not much use dipping anyone in hot tar if you don't roll the person in chicken feathers afterwards... or hen feathers... or maybe hens are just old chickens and it´s really the same thing... hmm...

    god im bored...
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