Beacon Review

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by narfi, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Timer was good going up and down. 30 minutes and 5, enough to do it but still challenging.

    Kill cost is way up from the old beacons and loot is way down.
    The last one we did the team had over 400ped of ammo consumed not counting guns/amps/armor/beacon cost and we got a total of 175ped of loot.

    The lvl30 holo-warrior was cool to see

    The levels are new and confusing enough that as one of the shooters I was lost most of the time just killing red dots, but the organizers did well and we got 7/8 of the boxes on our first one, and 8/8 on our second.

    The mines, laser security barriers, and exploding canisters are all fun to have implemented.

    The score box at the end with number of boxes looted, and high score for kill counts in the team were pretty cool.
    (I got a lot closer to Dans score on the second run)
    On more serious missions would be a good way to make sure each member is carrying their weight.

    Over all Id say its all good, hopefully we were just super unlucky with the loot, otherwise that will prevent me from being able to do as many as I used to.

    Good Job MA

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