ATTENTION Future Next Island Homeowners

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Enzo, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    Have you ever wanted to own your own Crystal Resort beach front property? Well now is your chance!

    Head to the closest Auctioneer and check out some of the recent additions to the Estates auction category. There are currently SIX Crystal Resort Beach Lodges up on the block for you to own. While all six are on auction currently, every 24 hours (for 6 days) one will reach the end of its bidding time and become someone's new tropical home away from home.

    *Please note that the item points listed on the deeds is a bug and will be corrected with the next version update.

    Good Luck and Happy Bidding!
  2. Meh! I'm waiting for the South Beach lodges to come on market :D

    EDIT: I take it back... I have my heart set on 2b :)
  3. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    Well you can always buy now and sell later ;)
  4. those are just apartments right?
    but is it possiple to stand shopkeepers outside the door perhaps? or maybe set up a sign outside the door to?

  5. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    I am guessing here but I am pretty sure they are just Apts.
  6. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Could someone post a screenshot of one of these appartments as well as one with the view boundries activated so I could see how large an area it consists of?

  7. Ben Coyote

    Ben Coyote The Blind Sniper

    This coyote is looking for a den.

    Well I'm thinking about settling down, on Next Island and I'm looking for a place that will be suited for myself. (Yes This coyote needs a den..)

    So if anyone wants to show me a piece of property, I'm interested..(Heck I'd take a small house located way out in the middle of nowhere which is close to a TP..or even a wagon

    So yeah I'm definitely interested.. (Let's just hope the ubers from Calypso don't take up all the spots.. cause it's a crying shame if they do.)

    Benjamin 'Ben' Coyote a.k.a. "The Blind Sniper"
  8. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    I want a gypsy caravan for sure when they go on sale :) (was gonna volunteer to do the crystal ball readings in the event caravan lol ). Will also look more closely now at other properties but not too keen on Crystal for my island hut, good luck with the sales.
  9. Ya got any idea when when all the houses at Cheri Cove will go on sale? I am set on getting one!
  10. will there be property in other time periods? I want a villa in ancient greece
  11. And the item points are what? Doesn't really help much saying they are bugged. Does G have more than A, are they all the same?
  12. these Beach lodges will be reset to 100 Item Points... They are single Rooms.

    IF You check the estate Terminals you will see if there is room to set a Shop Keeper outside.. If Not u can always set the Lodge to Public and Put Shopkeepers inside
  13. Thanks for the info I can now get bidding :)
  14. Will we be able to park our boats below the lodge? I tryed and could not spawn my boat (Jormungand) under there.
  15. How much did 2a go for in the end? I wasn't around for the end...

    EDIT: Found the thread
  16. YAN


    Question is: where can I rent the shops OR purchase land and residences? I cant seem to be able to do that yet at next island. I wishg i could but this option seems to be blocked.

    Also, the land for sale, is it at the auction papoo?

    Yes I am a noob.
  17. There are currently no Land Areas for sale on Next Island.
    You can find an assortment of houses though on the Auction Papoo.
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