Article: Next Island Content Release Notes 11-30-11 / Entropia Universe Release 12.3

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Meg, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Here is the whole text

    Next Island’s November content update adds more activities and items to Ancient Greece, introduces new blueprints, adds new items for miners and crafters, and brings back Sebastian, everyone’s favorite papoo.

    New Items

    So many new items this time! New clothes, a new piece of armor, four new blueprints, a new found, refinable item and a new mined mineral!

    Athenian Tunic
    Athenian Headscarf
    Trojan Breastplate
    Elysian Power Sphere
    Broken Elysian Technology
    Elysian Tech Chip
    Elysian Technology Blueprint Book
    Ancient Greece Blueprint Book

    New Missions

    Our missions this time connect to the characters and story introduced in the last release, and introduce new content for Ancient Greece.

    Arachne's Dilemma: Arachne, a Greek woman, is in one of the houses in ancient Greece, working on an offering for Athene. She needs help to make a unique item, better than anything anyone else will give Athene, better than anything Athene could make herself.

    Sebastian's Find: Sebastian, the talking papoo, is back in his treehouse spot at Crystal Center, watching new arrivals to the island. He's found something shiny in the jungle, and he’ll share it with someone who helps him with his vendetta again the boars.

    Armor of Heroes: Friendly, effusive First Wave scientist Emilanio DiNapoli is down by Crystal Bay. He’s got a piece of armor that incorporates the greatest Elysian technology with the ancient fires of Vulcan to make a chestpiece worthy of the ancient heroes. This will be the breastplate of Augustus! The Shield of Aeneas! It will make any brave mortal man a hero!

    Displacement Readings: Maybe there are a couple favors you could do for DiNapoli to encourage him to share the instructions to make your own Trojan Breastplate. He could use some research help, as he studies how to bring items backwards and forwards in time.

    Paint and Coloring: Miranda Stratford, fashion designer, is in Crystal Resort, holding a Colorator tool. Her mission is the first of planned tutorial missions. Note: Her boyfriend, Tom Shepherd, will no longer be giving out the Colorator, since Miranda will be giving one as part of the coloring tutorial.

    Known Issues

    Athenian Headscarf is designed as colorable, this will be fixed in next week’s patch. You can still use the blueprint to create the item, still wear the item, still sell or give the item.

    Displacement Readings refers to a list of scientific readings. There is currently no model associated with this, but if you complete the actions to create this list, the quest still completes successfully.

    When activated, Emiliano DiNapoli seems to have a lot more missions than Armor of Heroes and Displacement Readings. Only these two are implemented, and Armor of Heroes must be done first. Consider the other mission titles a bit of a teaser for what’s coming next!

    Usage note: In any of the item-related missions, you will need to drag the required item over to a questgiver to complete the mission. If, for whatever reason, you drag the item and drop it elsewhere on the screen, outside the questgiver’s pop-up, then the item disappears. If this should happen, shut your inventory, and reopen it, and the required item will reappear.
  2. Me likes :D
  3. red


    this all sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing all of it.
  4. I need to get here :D new armor :D:D:D:D
  5. How you go to Ancient Greece, still need cristals to pay or now you can go free?
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