*Adopt a Newbie* - The Newbie List

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Dalas, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. In game name: Lady Fashion
    In game gender: Female

    Real life location: China
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 23

    Join date: 10/25/10
    Agility: 9

    Mining: 0
    Hunting: 0
    Crafting: 0
    Trading: 0

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    Positive and optimistic

    what do you seek for in the community/society:
    To meet up with people who share perspectives on fashion

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    To seek like minded people and help me find the fashion events in the game

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    My professional experience and passion for fashion

    Thanks for your reading !
  2. Hi, please find my application below. Just a bit about myself..I have been playing PC games for around 9 years, starting with UO and moving on to try DAoC, Runes of Magic, EQ and EQ2, and various others. I am playing, in addition to EU, WoW, SL and LOTRO..yeah I get bored **chuckles**. I am looking forward to meeting new people and learning my way around the universe here..I spent today completing all the gateway missions and am presently in the new arrival area in calypso..tomorrow is slated to begin sweating, which I plan to work on for the rest of this week and possibly part of next week to build up some spending cash. I have been spending almost as much time reading these forums as I have doing missions..and I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you in game.:)

    Avatar name: Sherylynne Storm Vlodovic
    Avatar gender:Female

    Real life location: North Carolina
    Real life gender:Female
    Real life age:47

    Entropia join date (or approx):11/9/2010

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining:I think I have 10 in Mining, interested in learning more about it
    Hunting: 1 in most all weapon skills, interested in learning more
    Crafting: Would like to learn more eventually

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Easy to get along with, enjoy team play with friendly people but can be just as happy spending some time going solo. Try to complete everything I start and love to try new things..not afraid to fail, after all that's how you learn.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Friends to hang out and chat with, a helpful Soc with knowledgeable members that don't mind me picking their brains if I need info and can't find it elsewhere.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Just knowledgeable, friendly people to learn the ropes with.

    How can you help to make this happen: I don't believe in sitting and waiting for things to be given to me, I find more enjoyment in actually putting work into doing it myself, although I have no problem asking for help if I feel I need it. I plan to sweat until I am sick of it LOL

  3. Avatar name: Edana Ed Mallen
    Avatar gender: Female

    Real life location: USA
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 21

    Entropia join date (or approx): Nov 6, 2010
    Agility: 3

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Newbie
    Hunting: Newbie, interested
    Crafting: Newbie, interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Quiet, blunt, remarkable patience for in-game goals. I despise poor grammar and english from people who's first language it is.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I want to learn how to be self sufficient within the game.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I want to get on my feet.

    How can you help to make this happen: I'm a good team member. I follow orders and rules well. A society that pleases me will be one that earns my loyalty. I will help whenever able. My schedule is flexible and I can make just about any time.
  4. Avatar name: Elrohira El Tier
    Avatar gender: Female

    Real life location: California
    Real life gender: male
    Real life age: 29

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11-10-2010, or 10-11-2010 for you Europeans

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: I think this (Mining) will be my primary interest,
    Hunting: However, with only playing for a couple of hours,
    Crafting: I really couldn't be sure.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): I'm a paralegal. I am a nerd (aren't we all?) I'm freakishly tall. Oh, personality? I don't have one of those.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: To be honest, I've never heard of this game before today. I read about the record-breaking real life money transaction ($335,000) and was simply amazed, so i decided to check it out since I am bored out of my mind on WoW. My primary interest is fun. If this game interests me, and isn't mind numbingly boring (all sweating and no fun make me a dull boy), then maybe someday I'll turn a profit.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: camaraderie! and advice.

    How can you help to make this happen: Not being retarded. I've played several MMO's before, Asherons call 2, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, EVE, Second Life (we wont talk about that).. I know my way around MMO's.
  5. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Wow, what a load of applications while I was away!

    I've added you all to the Newbie List and would like to invite all of you to join our Newbie Society so you can find some stability and (as you say, Elrohira) camaraderie!

    Apart from Lady Fashion, I think these were some of the most American applications we've had! Nice to have someone coming through for a specific purpose actually. Let's hope her Fashion Sense is good enough ;)

    Storm, welcome to EP. I saw you posted elsewhere in the forum and that's great! Good to see you getting around and making your presence known. The forums make up half of the goings on in Entropia I'd say, so keep active here as well as in-world. I will surely catch up with you soon :)

    Be careful with that attitude Nazora, it's sharp enough to cut someone....Or yourself. By the way, your grammar was flawed in the very sentence you claimed to despise poor grammar, can you see where? I think your edge can be a positive thing and make you stand out, as long as you choose to use it in that way.

    It's pretty shocking that you haven't heard about EU before, Elrohira, especially as you've been around in the MMO world for a seemingly long time (judging by all those names under your belt). I'm sure Entropia will appreciate some worldly (yeah, I clocked that: "or 10-11-2010 for you Europeans") and... Tall company :)

    Greetings to you all, please stick around here, enjoy the forums and remember to keep checking your Inboxes for the Contract PM that could be coming your way!
  6. Avatar name: Raul Zorro Lopez
    Avatar gender: male

    Real life location: US
    Real life gender: male
    Real life age: 26

    Entropia join date (or approx): Nov 11, 2010
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: newbie
    Hunting: newbie
    Crafting: newbie, interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Focused, smart, innovative

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: An outlet from RL but real enough to make it interesting

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: An easier start in the world

    How can you help to make this happen: Pay attention to advise given
  7. The Form

    Avatar name: Joewie Guitar McPatrick
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: The Netherlands
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 17

    Entropia join date : 9 November 2010
    Agility: 2

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining:Newbie, Interested
    Hunting:Newbie, interested
    Crafting:Newbie, Interested

    Personal characteristics: Social, sirieus if needed

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Friends, having fun.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Getting further in EU, help with skills.

    How can you help to make this happen: Be a nice person
  8. Avatar name: Abbigail Evoke Arlington
    Avatar gender: Female

    Real life location: New Zealand
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 30

    Entropia join date (or approx): 10 November 2010
    Agility: 2

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    I don't have any of these yet as I only had 5 mining bombs to start with. My hunting is probably most improved as I was able to use it until my guns broke.


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): I am diligent but kinda lost right now!

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I want to make something of myself in this world, but at the moment it's pretty hard going!

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I'm hoping to learn how the world works and start with some hunting/sweating/crafting.

    How can you help to make this happen: I have read the Alice PDF guide and some other guides and have been doing whatever missions available. Unfortunately all my weapons have now broken and I can't afford to buy more. I'm currently getting a free taxi around the teleporters, so it's really helping me get ahead in that area.
  9. Avatar name: Council CS Scribe
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: Western Australia
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 26
    Entropia join date (or approx): Nov 11, 2010
    Agility: 5
    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Newbie, interested
    Hunting: Newbie, interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Diligent and Patient about achieving goals
    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I want to learn how to be self sufficient within the game.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I want to get on my feet.

    How can you help to make this happen: I'm a good team member and am interested in playing a new game
  10. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Wow! This is crazy! Just a couple of busy days and 4 more newbies already :D

    Greetings to all you new newbies. I hope to see your post counts going up soon, so make sure you keep your eyes on EP Forum and watch out for possible Contracts being sent via PM. Too many newbies post here and their post count stays at 1 which is a shame really.

    Anyway, get yourselves signed up at our Newbie Society where you will find fellows and security. Make yourselves at home there :)

    It's also nice to see that we have some applications from down under. New Zealand and Australia are new areas for ANF to deal with, so it's nice to see some more diversity going on, instead of only Europeans or Americans. Not that Joewie and Zorro are not welcome here! Hehehe.

    As always, PLEASE PM me if you have any issues or questions about ANYTHING!

    Enjoy yourselves and don't forget to explore.

    Dalas :afro:
  11. Avatar name: Jason Lobo Wayne
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: USA, UT
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 39

    Entropia join date (or approx): 13 nov 2010
    Agility: whoot made it to 4

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: got the equipment havent started yet
    Hunting: need to pick up the rifle or pistol
    Crafting: started the filter only made 5

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): I"ve played a bunch of MMO's i just need a break from 1 in paticular, i've read alot about this game and figured i'd give it a try and see what happens

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: New friends, a relaxing game play,

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: questions answered from expirenced players, what to do and what not to do.

    How can you help to make this happen: mmmmm odd question, i listen very well. hopefully the server's back up i'm off to play

    i also found out that sever maintance is on wed lol , 4 days into it and i'm finding out i'm liking it
  12. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    A warm welcome to you too, Lobo. Another mature (at least by age ;)) applicant, very nice!


    I have put in place a new field in the Form, "Start Planet". That's because recently, Elrohira applied without mentioning (s)he was a RockTropia starter, which I found out via MindStar9. This I decided to add because it can be an important decision for Societies and also when ANF expands beyond Calypso this can be even more useful.
  13. Avatar name: Skylar Peanut May
    Avatar gender: Female

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: U.S.A (michigan)
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 28

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/13/2010
    not sure
    Notable skills in, or interest for... I like them all so far, trying to figure it out right now


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Fun, Friendly, Outgoing, Hardworking

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Have fun, enjoy myself, and hopefully make a little money along the way

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Any and all lol... I would like to get advice from other players that are more experienced then myself.

    How can you help to make this happen: I can be me and try my best.
  14. Avatar name:Jack Well Lars
    Avatar gender:male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location:US
    Real life gender:male
    Real life age:24

    Entropia join date (or approx):11/13/10

    Notable skills in, or interest for...


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):knowledge in mmorpgs

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:i want to learn how to use the professions, collecting sweat the basics.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:enough knowledge to progress in the game

    How can you help to make this happen:comitment hard worker im on for a few hours.
  15. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    I have soc now
  16. Avatar name: Vash Spike Friend
    Avatar gender: M

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Florida
    Real life gender: M
    Real life age: 19

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/13/10
    Agility: 0

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: newb
    Hunting: newb, top interest.
    Crafting: newb

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): chill, easy going. Played many hours of GW back in the day and then got bored and havent found another mmo that i liked other then Diablo1 an 2. An that got old after being really repetitive. So Entropia will have to due until D3 comes out.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: some help in getting started. Dont know iwhat i should be doing.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: just some guidance on here.

    How can you help to make this happen: by not being a douche.
  17. Avatar name: Arleth Pandora Ravendark
    Avatar gender: Female

    Start Planet: Rocktropia

    Real life location: Kentucky, United States
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 21

    Entropia join date (or approx): Nov. 13, 2010
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: None, yet interested.
    Hunting: None, yet interested.
    Crafting: None, yet interested.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Goal oriented, business minded, fun to talk to, observant, analytical, shrewd, honest, and loyal. I tend to give back what I'm given, be it help or knowledge.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Good clean fun, and some training for a career in marketing. Learning to watch marketing trends, and analyze value versus suggested retail price.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I won't ask for much help, other than learning the basics, and the occasional 'what items are in demand now' and similar questions.

    How can you help to make this happen: Initial investments, and information trading. On top of that, a willingness to help anyone that needs it.
  18. Avatar name: Tempros Tempros Daradin
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Duluth United States
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 31

    Entropia join date (or approx): November 14, 2010
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: no experience, interested in learning
    Hunting: no experience, interested in learning
    Crafting: no experience, interested in learning

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Quick Learning, Team Player, Loyal

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: A place to have fun and enjoy the game. Just quit playing WOW and looking for something to replace it. I hope that Entorpia can do that and maybe more.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Any kind that is offered. The best place to start any new thing is to have people that can show you around and help you out, and I would be happy and thankful with any help.

    How can you help to make this happen: I am avialible anytime. I can always make time for anyone that is willing to make time to help me. I also look forward to the future when i can help someone else.
  19. Avatar name: Franny ChaCha Barshank
    Avatar gender: Female

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Oregon
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 19

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/14/2010
    Agility: WAH?!?!

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: erm
    Hunting: huh?
    Crafting: sure

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): laid back, awesome

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: new style of gameplay

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: get help, this game's confusing as hell!

    How can you help to make this happen: pay attention
  20. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Wow, just wow.

    7 new newbies to add since I went to bed last night. At least I know why this is happening now. If you're wondering how ANF suddenly got so popular, check out this thread at Planet Calypso Forum. Craziness. You guys are part of a much bigger movement, just so you know.

    You are all in the Newbie List, so welcome to you all! I will now send a message out to the Society Correspondents telling them to come and adopt you! :D

    Stick around guys, you are not alone in joining Entropia this week, but we will try our best to look after you as well as we can!

    Please feel free to kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable in Entropia Planets Forum, we look forward to you guys becoming part of the Entropian community.

    Oh, and as always, don't forget our NEWBIE SOCIETY! Join up and join in!
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