*Adopt a Newbie* - The Newbie List

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Dalas, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Welcome Chade, both to EP and Entropia, where there are plenty of magic and swords.

    You should be able to find the feeling of belonging here. There are a lot of people around your age and from Sweden out there. I have 4 Swedish teenage guys in my society in fact (damn, how did that happen?!).

    Anyway, feel free to get yourself involved in our Newbie Society as that can be your first family :)

    Have fun out there and please don't be shy to PM me with any questions AT ALL! No question is a stupid question here.
  2. Avatar name:Alice Raine
    Avatar gender:Female

    Real life location:USA
    Real life gender:Female
    Real life age:33

    Entropia join date (or approx):4 months ago but my old computer was not capable of handling the graphics. Just got a new one and back on again

    Notable skills in, or interest for...


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):I am a quick learner and I am also open to any new ideas

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Having fun and enjoying playing the game in a community

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I have tried to play on my own but I am having a hard time. I am hoping to learn basic skills and understanding of the game. I am not sure yet what my goals are yet in Entropia but hoping belonging to a society will help me achieve the skills to gain this knowledge.

    How can you help to make this happen: I am willing to dedicate the spare time
    I have to learn.
  3. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Welcome Alice!

    Good to see you got you system updated and are now back! Even in the 4 months you've been gone, there have been some pretty big changes I guess. Vehicles are probably a pretty welcome change for you, and the new Port Atlantis (as long as the new system is good enough) will be a great place to hang out.

    Your quest for purpose here will surely be helped along by your experiences with ANF. We are building our resources to this end, and so are First Planet Company in fact. You can get a taster of some of the new missions available in Port Atlantis for example.

    I hope you will join our Newbie Society which will give you an immediate community experience and the basic help you require as a beginner.

    Most importantly is that you have fun! :afro:
  4. Avatar name: Frensac Fren Malbafer
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: QC, Canada
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 13 (but very mature)

    Entropia join date (or approx): 6/10/2010
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Maybe
    Hunting: Maybe
    Crafting: Yes, interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Dark sense of humour, Wants to have fun... and maybe make a profit.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Fun and Profit

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Learn the ropes, Help me to get on my feet.

    How can you help to make this happen: Cooperate and help them.
  5. Avatar name: Julius "Jab" Aurelius
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: Michigan, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 26

    Entropia join date (or approx): 10/11/2010 (My join date listed might be quite a bit older. I joined a while ago, but before I could start playing my computer fried itself and I'd been relying on an old labtop without enough power to play the game for my computing needs. I recently acquired a computer that could run the game and the date I listed is my first day playing.)

    Agility: 2? (I think, maybe 1)

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    At this point, I don't have skills in any of the areas listed below, but I think I would be most interested in crafting.


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):
    I'm pretty easy going and easily amused. I generally like to have a good time and avoid drama.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:
    I seek a fun, communal gaming experience.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    I would like some help learning how to play and not wasting PEDs. I don't have a problem depositing money -I had no problem paying $50 for CoD:MW2, I can deposit some money if the gameplay is worth it. On the other hand, I don't want to spend money on useless stuff and dead ends. So I would like help figuring out what direction I want to go and the best way to get there. I am certainly willing to turn around and help others, once I have some experience to offer.

    How can you help to make this happen:
    I can help this happen by engaging with members of my adopted society (should I be adopted) and also by helping them in whatever ways I can.
  6. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Welcome you two new guys Fren and Jab!

    Looks like you already got yourself a contract there Jab, check your Inbox :) That was one of the quickest pickups ever! I didn't even manage to put you in the Newbie List as Waiting :D

    As for you Fren, well you know that people tend to prefer the older applicants, but your application seems nice and clean, short and sweet. I certainly know how that is since I was in exactly the same situation some 8 years ago. I was 13 and starting out in EU. There was obviously no ANF back then (there wasn't a lot of stuff compared to these days!) but in their own way, people were generally nicer and friendlier anyway. I was also mature for my age I guess, but I never actually understood EU until I was 16, which had a huge impact on my EU life. I hope you are smarter than I was :D I trust there are similar opportunities around now as there were back then, if only you can get your head around them at such a young age.

    Anyway, enough of my rant, welcome to ANF and while you wait, please feel free to join our Newbie Society which I keep raving about :) It's really picking up these days! I've heard good stuff about it. So get in there!

    As always, if you have ANY questions AT ALL, just PM me :) - This has happened quite a lot recently, and judging by the pattern, you can probably expect me to bombard you with information. I don't do things in halves apparently :D

    Dalas :afro:
  7. In game name:Michael Michi Burdoar
    In game gender:Male

    Real life location:Germany
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:25

    Join date:22.5.2010
    9 points

    Mining:no Experience
    Crafting:no Experience, interested in learning
    Trading:no Experience, interested in learning

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):friendly personality, fun at playing
    What do you seek for in the community/society:trying to chat and play with other People.
    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:Just searching for Friends to chat and play

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: i´m an active player who tries to make everyone happy
  8. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hey Michi :)

    Looks like you already got yourself an Adoption offer from our newest society, The New Trust, whom I had a nice chat with last night. This is their first adoption so I hope it works out for both of you!

    Don't forget to bug me in a week from when you join TnT about your Newbie Kit.

    Enjoy :afro:
  9. Avatar name: Fhaux HeroesBane Vesperin
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: USA - Washington State
    Real life gender: male
    Real life age: 19

    Entropia join date (or approx): 10-16-2010
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Not too sure about all of these...


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): I am a mellow and considerate person. Fast learner and patient. I like making new friends all the time and I like to talk alot.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I seek to enjoy a new online universe that I can have fun, meet new people and hopefully make some kind of good experience from all of this.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I hope to learn all the basics of the game and some help to get on my feet so that i dont fail horribly at the mechanics of this new universe. Also i hope to meet lots of new people who are in the same boat as i am and so we could advance together and help eachother out.

    How can you help to make this happen: Well for one, joining in a society for "newbies" and then actively participating in what my mentors or "superiors" in the society ask me to do. Also to set an example for other newbies to follow and to follow the examples of other newbies. In the end I hope to get so far as to become a mentor for other newbies in the future.
  10. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hey Fhaux!

    I like that word "mellow", it's a quality I'd definitely want in Entropia, one that seems quite hard to come by, along with patience and being considerate :D talking a lot is very helpful here!

    About joining a society for newbies, we have our very own as I'm sure you've read about already. If not, check this out. As always in virtual worlds, it can be hard to find someone to advance together with because of differing schedules, timezones, free time, real life wealth and willingness to deposit or not. So many variables to separate you from your best newbie buddy. It may be that you can synch up with someone though, who knows :)

    Your "superiors" (please don't think about them as your superiors though, it's not the direction we want to take here, so I'm glad you used quotation marks) will most likely not be like bosses and tell you to do stuff, but more likely as advisers (or "overseers" as we call them in the *Adopt a Newbie* Foundation society) who tell you what you could do to use your time best. They will also most likely help you out with whatever that is or give you the information that allows you to do it confidently. You may also experience that they will arrange competitions or events you can take part in.

    Setting an example for newbies, now that is one hell of a noble goal. I wish more people were like that :)

    Welcome to ANF, and I hope to come back to you with a Contract soon, so keep your eyes on this Forum and your Inbox.

    If you have any questions about ANF or EU or anything else, just PM me here with them, it's never a problem to answer whatever questions you may have, so don't be shy!
  11. Avatar name:Selket Akazukin Sungrave
    Avatar gender:Female

    Real life location:Long Island, New York
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:16

    Entropia join date (or approx):10-24-10

    Notable skills in, or interest for...


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):funny, intelligent, nice

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:a close, outgoing community, full of people willing to help and get newbies started in the game

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:I'm hoping to get new friends and a grasp of the games basics

    How can you help to make this happen:I'm going to try as hard as I can to learn everything and hope to be able to pass on my knowledge to other newbies in the game
  12. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hey there Selket :)

    Welcome to ANF and apologies for this late post. I did actually put you in the Newbie List not long after you posted here but didn't find the time to actually post here to welcome you.

    As you may have seen, I always recommend that newbies signing up here should also sign up for our Newbie Society in-world, so they don't feel so lonely while waiting to be adopted. The community is mostly perfectly willing to help out :)
  13. Avatar name:Jjplay175
    Avatar gender:Male

    Real life location:Spain
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:16

    Entropia join date (or approx):a year ago i cant really say..

    Notable skills in, or interest for... I just like to hunt and make a days living in entropia / just interested in a helpfull soc that will teach me at thing or 2 and some1 i can talk 2

  14. Avatar name: Oxy Oxide Padz (call me Oxide)
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: Mississippi, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 41

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11-3-2010
    Agility: 7

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Newbie. Very Interested in this aspect of the game
    Hunting: Newbie. Enjoy this aspect as well
    Crafting: Newbie. More interested in gathering to support the crafting professions

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): OLD ha! experienced MMO player, inquisitive, patient

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Develop a self sustaining toon, enjoy the gaming experience in a new platform (ie not WoW) with my brother-in-law and some RL friends

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: General knowledge and support pertaining to game mechanics. To be pointed in a direction that I can move in to development my toon, meet friends and have fun.

    How can you help to make this happen:
    Be consistant with my play time as much as I can. Be open to ideas and have fun.
  15. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Welcome to our two latest signups, Jjplay175 and Oxide! Two totally different applications there, one super young and one old man!

    I did already talk to Oxide for a while tonight, seems like a guy who, given the right guidance, will go far! Good that he also has his brother in-law as support and backup, as they both joined EU together. Looks like he already picked up an offer of adoption, that was lightning quick by Narfi there!

    Wishing Jjplay luck in getting adopted (please also join our Newbie Society Jjplay!) and Oxide a pleasant stay with the Renegades. Will we see another J-Fry?
  16. Avatar name: Grizzlar Grizz Bolshevik
    Avatar gender:Male

    Real life location:Colorado
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:32

    Entropia join date (or approx):08 Nov 2010
    Agility:Not quite sure where to find that but I completed all the beginer island tutorials and that is as far as I've gotten.

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Dont have any skill other than completing the beginer island quests
    Hunting: ditto
    Crafting: ditto

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Easy to get along with. A bit impatient with steep learning curves so I'm hoping this goes easy.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Not really sure. Just going with the flow.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Would be nice to have a hand show me where and how to do the basics to become self sufficient. I downloaded the game today and spent the entire evening figuring out the very basics.

    How can you help to make this happen: I work full time and attend school twice a week during the evening, so to be blatently honest, I dont even know how much time I plan to commit to the game. I'll say that when I promise to be somewhere at a certain time I do it and I can listen and follow directions pretty efficiently.
  17. Avatar name: Wapole Gibbon Languray
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: Virginia, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 20

    Entropia join date (or approx): November 7, 2010
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Interested, looks like a good way to make PED. Also can be done at the same time as other jobs.
    Hunting: Most interested, looks like the most fun primary profession.
    Crafting: Meh. If it's good for money making or can allow me to be self sufficient, I'm all for it though.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Laid back, Liberal, Energetic, Creative, Chatty

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Some buddies to hang around with. Stable community ties. Social events. In-game help/cooperation.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Information and advice about how to live without going flat broke mainly. Answers to little questions that don't get filled in on guides or tutorials.

    How can you help to make this happen: Being a good listener and eager participant in the community. I'm really new so I don't know if I can do much more than that, but I'll do anything asked of me. I am in College though, so my playtime may be limited and semi-erratic. Sorry. :frown:
  18. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hey Michael, nice of you to join us :)

    Seems like you're a busy guy (a bit like me!). One thing I've noticed about people who are busy or lacking time in EU should generally be one of two things in order to succeed or at least stay around:

    Firstly, if you have so little time, you don't really want to spend the few hours you have trying to make money to get started, it will feel futile quite quickly because EU is something that demands a lot of hours invested in order to get "somewhere". This means that if you are busy at the start, you should probably consider investing a few dollars in it.

    Otherwise, if you are not willing to invest something in it, you should be happy with the small things. When you see those guys popping up with their huge loots and 40 globals a minute kind of thing, you simply cannot allow yourself to feel any kind of jealousy or unfairness there. The people who are in these situations are the ones who either earned that position in pure hours of blood, sweat and tears, or those who forked out enough cash to get a quick-pass into that kind of high-flying lifestyle.

    I'm not trying to put you off here, or make EU sound horrible, because it's really not. I am just exposing the likely traps anyone is likely to fall into if they are in the situation you've described (being so busy). So my advice would be to learn to appreciate the "mini uber" loots you get, learn to enjoy exploring and the social side of EU. Indulge in what's free and have long term goals to work towards when it comes to money, don't expect everything to come to you instantly.

    So either be patient and appreciative, or fork out some cash (once you get a feel for Entropia) and you should do perfectly fine :)

    Welcome to ANF and Entropia Universe. Our Newbie Society will be accomodating to you as a semi-active member too by the way. Head over there and check them out as soon as you can!


    Dalas :afro:
  19. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Phew, a warm welcome to you too, Languray :)

    You posted at the same time as I was welcoming Michael above, nice timing. Probably the quickest add to the Newbie List ever!

    Basically I'd say the same to you as I said to him though, about your "semi-erratic" play times. Don't worry though, the Entropian community is very nice when it comes to this kind of thing. You can easily bob along at your own pace without logging in 24/7.

    I will of course (as always) recommend joining our Newbie Society as this will be your first (easy) chance to become part of a group within Entropia.

    Have fun guys and I hope to bump into you soon :)
  20. Sounds good. I'll head over to the other board when I get a chance. I'm not opposed to spending a little money to skip some of the more tedious begining stuff to get a jump, so long as I'm not missing our on fundamental learning of the game. I've got a busy night tonight but I should be able to jump on tomorrow.
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