*Adopt a Newbie* - The Newbie List

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Dalas, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Not a problem :) I will add you to the list tonight (bit busy at this moment, just managed to sneak on between housework), now back to tidying up!

    Alright Magyar, thanks for the heads up :)

    Thanks for signing up here and congrats Tol on your new soc.
  2. Returning Newbie, hoping to get some help

    I'm not a complete newbie, but I have just returned from a long extended vacation and basically forgot how to play :( if anybody can get me back on my feet again will be greatly appreciated.

    Don't really want anything from you but company and knowledge to get back into the game. :)

    Avatar name: cherie "cherie" ann
    Avatar gender: Female

    Real life location: California
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 30

    Entropia join date (or approx): 2 years ago?
    Agility: 17

    Notable skills in, or interest for... Crafting, Would love to get into crafting 100%

    Mining: 13
    - Drilling : 89
    - Geology: 59
    - Surveying: 109
    - Metallurgy: 1
    - Prospecting: 17

    - Rifle: 368
    - Weapons Handling 120

    - Laser Weapon Tech: 481
    - Manufacture Mechanical Equipment: 254

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Shy, Giving, Hard working

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Company and Overall Fun in the Game

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Some help in Crafting and learning from the Trade.

    How can you help to make this happen: By being online when ever I can and also giving back in return =)

    Thanks a lot guys

  3. Returning Newbie, hoping to get some help

    California eh? If youre interested in a US based guild Laudanum is looking for folks. Im based out of Oakland. We're not an official ANF group but Dalas might be willing to work something out with you. Discuss it with him over PM.

  4. Erasmus Newbie!

    In game name:Erasmus Tycho Sunder
    In game gender:Male

    Real life location:UK
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:26

    Join date:20/09/2010

    New all round here, played for 3 hours and very confused


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):Patient, Mature, Quick to learn and eager to please
    What do you seek for in the community/society:Friends, high adventure, understanding that time is limited due to working

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:advice, friendship and exploration with like minded individuals.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:my willingness to research for myself and strive to understand as much as I can and attempt to provide as much as i can for myself.
  5. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Erasmus Newbie!

    Hey Erasmus :) I saw you made this as a thread by itself - but figured, you where signing up for the Newbie List? I took the liberty to move the post into the correct thread.

    I'm sure Dalas will soon return to you ^^

    Good luck
  6. Newbie looking for adoption

    In game name: Vasloaph Vas Sidram
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: CT, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 42

    Join date: 9/23/2010
    Stats as of: 9/24/2010
    Agility: 1

    Mining: 1
    Hunting: Rifle 7
    Crafting: 1
    Trading: 1

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Mature MMO player that likes hunting (Solo or in Groups). Not afraid of dying.

    What do you seek for in the community/society: Mentoring mostly. I like to group up and head out to hunt. I can solo hunt as well.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Tips and tricks of playing. I am not expecting to ever be rich, but would like to be able to stay out of the poor house. :)

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I am a dedicated player that understands the value of getting in using the time on-line wisely and living my RL. ;)
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Newbie looking for adoption

    Hi there, I'm sure Dalas will find you a nice home.
    Welcome to EU and EP
  8. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Newbie looking for adoption

    Oops! :)

    Welcome Vasloaph! You've made a new thread instead of a new post in the Newbie List thread, we'll get you transferred to the right section and continue from there.

    Lykke, could you also move this one into the Newbie List thread pleeeease? :)

  9. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Erasmus Newbie!

    Yo Erasmus :)

    Welcome to ANF and I apologise for the slight delay there. I was busy climbing on a Glacier for a few days!

    Anyway, I'm sure you've discovered our Newbie Society information by now, but also feel free to just chill out around this forum and enjoy what's available!

    Have fun!


    PM sent to cherie as well :)
  10. Erasmus Newbie!

    Hi i'd like to join the adoption list

    Avatar name: Kefker Kefker Palazzo
    Avatar gender:Male

    Real life location: UK
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:24

    Entropia join date (or approx):14-09-2010

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Did a little as part of the tutorial, would like to try more.
    Hunting: rifle 38
    Crafting: 1

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Mature, eager to learn new skills and improve the ones I already possess, friendly and Optimistic regardless of the situation.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: A friendly and welcoming community which will be willing to help me gain a better understanding of being a member of the Entropia Universe.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Guidance and assistance with getting to grips with the content & features of this game.

    How can you help to make this happen: By being a productive and active member of the society.

  11. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Erasmus Newbie!

    A warm welcome to ANF Kefker.

    That is one outstanding post! I'm sure you are going to make a splash in the Entropian community with first impressions like these! Maybe you could become MindStar9's personal colour-compliment-sidekick :D

    As always, please head over to our Newbie Society thread, check it out and if it's a thing you could benefit from, make yourself known!

    Your interest here is appreciated and we'd love for you to hang out here at Entropia Planets Forum more, so make yourself at home please :)
  12. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Erasmus Newbie!

    Are you just too cute or what. :D I've been a good girl and not used so much purple over here, but there are times when it is absolutely necessary. ;)

    You're doing an outstanding job on maintaining the ANF my dear, keep up the great work. :thumbup:
  13. Kay Jones

    Kay Jones who?

    where did I put that map?

    Avatar name: Kaerendus Kay Jones
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: Germany
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 23

    Entropia join date (or approx): uhm... some time last week
    Agility: 6

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: what I got from the tutorial
    Hunting: tutorial
    Crafting: tutorial

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): your friendly multi-talented next-door guy with a strange sense of humour. I'm also one of those people where the first impression is 1-100% wrong

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: world domination.
    ...no wait, wrong game. well, first of all finding out enough about how the whole thing works and then judge wether it is something for me in the long run. also, being an economy student with little luck at cfd day trading, I'd like to try and get into trading in this universe. at least to pay for the hunting xD

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: the knowledge as described above. also getting to know people, running around these two big continents by myself does get kinda boring. (I've mostly been doing tp runs so far)

    How can you help to make this happen: by soaking up information? my major source has been Alice's entropia guide so far (thank you very much btw :thumbup:). doing what I do I can handle being thrown at with numbers/calculations, though I do prefer practical learning, it's just more fun

    oh, a friendly warning: I'm a bad choice for people who hate seeing ^^ or xD in chat cause you may see a lot of those if I'm in a good mood ^^
  14. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    where did I put that map?

    Hey Kay!

    Great to have you on board :) Nice to see you've been doing your homework too, that's always a big plus.

    You'll have to excuse my short reply but I am soooo tired from a busy week, I'm already in bed writing this in fact! Kind of falling asleep :D

    Of course I have to direct you here as well.

    You know we wish you all the great experiences possible in EU, and never pause before asking anything :) Enjoy the EP and EU communities!

    Don't be a stranger now!

    Dalas :afro:

    Edit: Yeah, I'm tired so this actually ended up as the longest of all my replies... :D

    Edit 2: Oh yeah I forgot to mention I might just have "the" soc for you. It's our German-speaking society "Die Templer" who are keen to pick up many German speakers. Your English seems fine and I figured I'd give you the same chance to be adopted as anyone else by putting you on the list. I can offer you a fast-track into Die Templer though if you like. It would just require an in-world meeting with you, bistl (the society leader) and myself. Let me know if you have a preference? :)
  15. where did I put that map?

    Avatar name:Adam Spike Andersson
    Avatar gender:Male

    Real life location:Gothenburg
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:15

    Entropia join date (or approx):Last thursdar, 30/9 2010

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Not sure about skill level, but quite low
    Crafting: Not sure about skill level, but quite low
    Hunting: Quite low, but I want to focus on hunting/taming in game.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): A kind noob who will try to do his best to learn. A strange guy who is easily distracted. Could be that there are a few times when I'm unable to log in for a week or two because of school.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Friends to play the game with and someone to guide me in the beginning.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Someone to show me the most basic functions and show me a few places that's good to know about.

    How can you help to make this happen:I'm not quite sure if I understand this question...
  16. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hey Adam!

    I think I saw you earlier at Swamp. Maybe that's the reason you're here :D

    However you came here, welcome to ANF and EP Forum!

    You are now on the list for adoption. As usual, I will direct you towards our Newbie Society who are just waiting for you to join them. They'll take good care of you and answer your questions etc...

    I hope to come back to you soon with an Adoption Contract, so keep your eyes on this Forum. In fact, feel free to browse around here at your leisure.

    Thanks for signing up and just PM if you have any questions about anything :)
  17. Avatar name: Xantor Xan Welesa
    Avatar gender: M

    Real life location: Thailand (Expat)
    Real life gender: M
    Real life age: 45

    Entropia join date (or approx): 30-09-2010 (09-30-2010 for the metric impaired)
    Agility: 8? not much anyways yet :)

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Interested
    Hunting: Interested
    Crafting: Very interested but PED first :)
    Sweating: Soon to be pro :)

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):

    Mostly self-supporting, like to study / research everything before diving in. Always ready to lend a hand where needed.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:

    Just a nice place to hang out. So far I've had some very nice chats with Dalas, and I read about the Adopt-a-noob initiative in the new pdf magazine.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:

    Not going to have to go at it all alone, would love some hunting parties.

    How can you help to make this happen:

    I'll be there whenever you need me for something. I've been playing (MM)OGS and basically everything that has been out for a long time and through SL I know about real-money models (made about $700 there).

    Played previously:
    - Asheron's Call - Everquest I, II - Star Wars: Galaxies - Second Life - Eve online (years and years) - And most likely a few more I'm forgetting about now.

    I hope you will consider my application.

    Best regards,

  18. The Form

    Avatar name: Cookie Kaka Parken
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: Stockholm Sweden
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 24

    Entropia join date (or approx): September 2010
    Agility: 3

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: 10
    Hunting: 30 ( Laser weapon )

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Hello! I have been playing many mmorpgs during the last 10 years and now i want to give entropia a try. I dont know much about this game, but since im studying to become a game designer i wanted to give it a try. Before this i played Everquest from 99-06 and after that many others.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: The same kind of family feeling as in the guilds of Everquest. Good mature people who i can have a good time playing and chatting with.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Just a start and a push in the right direction. I have no idea what to do in this game and i need a few hints that is not possible to find on various newbieguides on the internet.

    How can you help to make this happen: I will actively participate in helping single players and societys on whatever i can be helpful with!
  19. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Welcome Xantor and Cookie!

    Glad you made it here :) Xantor I have indeed already had nice chats with. He is one of the original naked newbies! Fear not though, I supplied him with some rags to cover himself until the issue is fixed.

    Looking for the family feeling eh Cookie? You can easily find that through ANF :) Plenty of people have become part of society-families already, so I hope the same happens for you! Oh and a word of advice about the game designing... Go easy on the developers here, they are venturing into the unknown with Entropia these days with a relatively small team and resources, so things tend to take a long time and people can get frustrated. Just remember that the CE2 isn't built for MMO action, but this group of Swedes is doing a pretty nice job of making it happen!

    Things are going better than ever, and you joined at a fascinating time, so I hope you enjoy it for what it is :)

    I hope I can PM you soon with a Contract offer so keep your eyes peeled here in EP Forum.

    Peace guys, and as I keep saying, join up with our Newbie Society and ask lots of questions!
  20. Avatar name: Saquira Chade Sicviari
    Avatar gender: female

    Real life location: Sweden
    Real life gender: female
    Real life age: 15

    Entropia join date (or approx): 6:th October 2010
    Agility: 2

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: 11
    Hunting: 29(rifle)
    Crafting: 1

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): quick learner, quiet at times. If you make an assumption about me the first time we meet you're very likely of get it wrong. I love fantasy and sci-fi, though I tend to prefer fantasy with magic and swords. And I've got way to much ideas in my head at all times.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: People to hang out with and have fun with, a place where I might feel as if though I belong.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Help to get started with advice, people that can answer any questions I've got. Including those that might seem very obvious to others.

    How can you help to make this happen: When someone needs help I'll lend a hand if I'm able to.
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