About Big Bulk robots

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by nexus7, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Not sure if this should be posted here or in the general discussion forum. Where would you go to locate the Big Bulk robot?
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  2. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    I think its beacon robot
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  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    Could you possibly mean the Miner Bots?
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  4. Think you mean the Big Bulk that was present in a past event MA staged a few years ago
    The scenario then was "Robots are attacking Calypso" the Big Bulk was their major killing machine

    I doubt there are anywhere to be found today, but im sure MA will throw them back into game some day, so was can waste millions on ammo again :p
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  5. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Maybe in the higher level beacon missions, otherwise as part of the infrequent events that MA organise involving robot attacks.
    I don't think there are any spawns of Big Bulks anywhere as standard.
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  6. Thanks all ;) So, it's either found on robot spaceships or in special MA events - I was thinking something like that but wasn't sure. I was just looking at the creature list on entropedia.com and this is what it looks like...

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2015
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  7. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    That's one BIG robot :shock:

    Seems like not even the photographer survived after taking the pic :D
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  8. Yep - it looks massive to me as well. It looks like half the size of one of those buildings in Hads C:D. I'm sure it would take a huge team to take one, or many teams...
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  9. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    Yikes! That's a whoppuh!
  10. It did for sure 8)
    I remember that drone attack still
    Thats for sure the most expensive stunt MA ever pulled
  11. I bet it was expensive! Was it killed in the end and was the loot worthwhile. I hope it was on both counts.
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  12. It was killed several times
    But as far as i can remember the loot wasn't anyting to write back home about 8)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2008
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  13. Or a WOPR :D
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  14. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    "Shall we play a game?"
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  15. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    You took the words right out of my mouth, Burger. :D
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  16. WOPR LOL!! I'm sure someone could have just .....d on a sparkplug to kill it ;) (the commander said something like that in Wargames..)
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