A Comparison of EU Apartments

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Jamira, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    OH, starting to like Unity3D. Take a look here:

    use W, A, S, D and SPACE

    You will have to install the Unity3D Web Player
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
  2. sissi

    sissi sissi

    Any1 know why rocktropia flats got to get 400 item points? Or just the typical ND move, to phuck up the balance?

    Reason why I ask is that one day I will need a flat for an armor museum, got 25 complete sets atm and I guess you see my problem :)
  3. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    Correct first time :sneaky:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    I think RT apartments arn't for sell any longer. And btw they have no windows. You will need several lamp items as well ;-)
  5. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    LOL ... cool ;-)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  6. narfi

    narfi Lost

    yes you can, alot of people actually run small shops out of their appartments by using shopkeepers.
    For instance Auktuma has a high end armor shop that he uses an apartment for right now on calypso.
    It is also a cheap alternative for someone wanting to sell a few items but cant afford a full shop.
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  7. In the past, on Calypso the 'hallway' entrance on apartments used to count as part of the main item count not as a 'display' or "additional area". I'm not sure exactly when they made the change but remember it was pretty frustrating when it happened because I was filling lots of hallways in front of my apartments back then. I think it happened around the time that Medusa Head opened, or a little earlier. One trick to "work around" that issue was to put stuff on the inside and make it stick out the wall on the other side where the hallway was so that it still counted towards indoor item count. Tomtebloss was great for this as were a few other pieces of furniture. Unfortunately that trick doesn't work so great on exterior balconies since the items on indoor side of wall can't be seen except for a half a second on the outdoor side before they disappear from view as the rendering engine comes to see your avatar as outdoors instead of indoors. I've never owned an apartment with a 'roof' area but imagine it has the same limitations as balconies.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  8. At one point in time Auktuma had ALL of his shopkeepers in the apartment he owns in Omegaton. That's actually one of the reasons I bought over there before I had to sell off the estates earlier this year... it was amazing seeing that many sk's in an apartment...

    Tricky part about sks is they blow 6 item slots and give you back 20 inside of them... so for most display areas like booths, which only have 10 unless they are upgraded, you can only fit 1 sk...

    same goes for most 'window' display areas outside of apartment shops, etc. as most only have 10 and MA has said both the display areas and booths cannot be upgraded (even though a few here and there slipped through the cracks before they put that limitation down)
  9. I think your apartment in Medusa is awesome Jamira. Thanks for sharing the photos of it. Your 3D models really give me an idea of what the apartments are like inside. Very nice indeed...
  10. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Thank you.
    Unfortunately I have not much time to continue with the other houses and apartments at the moment. But at least the Monria apartments should come up this weekend since I have the 3D models already because I made them ;-)
  11. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Nice apartments appeared lately at Monria. I've made screenshots of my original models. The buildings at Monria were made by MA staff because they know better what textures are good and the requierments of CryEngine. But they are nearly 1:1 copies of my models. Lazy folks at MA quickly copy/paste my standard apartments as shops. The only difference I can see is the number of items: 200 for the shops instead of 150 for the apartments.
    As you can see at the second floor a shower cabin was planned. But they didn't accept it :-( But hey! Probably they will repair my old shower cabin one day ...

    The penthouses are the same as the standard apartments with an additional upper section.
    When I was making the upper section, little sister Kristin popped up had a glance to my laptop and murmured: "Luxury apartments, eh? What about a swimmingpool?" DANG! Great idea! But MA wouldn't accept it. "Pfft ..." Kristin answered. "Try it out!" No sooner said than done. And hurray! We have swimmingpools ;-) To make it easier and save room for furniture I decided to use a televator instead of stairs. MA followed my idea but for the mid penthouses only. They forgot the televators for the right and left. They do have the upper section but no one can reach them ;-) Next mistake: I am not able to place items in the upper section. And the number of allowed items is the same as for the standard apartments. We hope that they will change it with the December update. At least a luxury apartment should have a bit more ability than a standard apartment.

    Here is an update of my Excel sheet:

    OHA! I got a new toy in my SolidWorks. I can make a 3D PDF wich everyone can use with the standard Adobe Reader:
    Single Standard Apartment 06.PDF
    Single Apartment improved 07.PDF
    THAT'S COOL! Try it out!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  12. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    oh wow thats really cool. ie the design and the 3d pdf's and the unity web player thing for the old caly aps.
  13. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    So question to RAZER... did a real life Calypso appartment block ever happen?
  14. I was always interested in something like this - if I ever got an apartment, I really never knew what the size of all the different types were - +rep!
    • Like Like x 1
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