About the new VU

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by nexus7, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. This is similar to a post I made just the other day in response to the post about the latest VU in 'Latest EU News' forum.
    At risk of being sarchastic (my eyes aren't what they used to be), I have not noticed anything different in the textures, etc, from before the VU - to me everything looks as it was. So, I'm just wondering if this is how other ppl see it...8)
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  2. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    I don't think you will see many physical changes in the game for it is a coding rewrite and not a new texture. I think this is what takes so long. Might have been better to just do it all over LOL. There will be more of these before they are finished I am sure.
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  3. Managed to try this last night for the first time, only things I noticed were:-

    1) Joins between sections of land seem more evident.

    2) When an avatar moves away from you at a certain point the detail in them becomes very minimal and the avatar becomes very thin.

    3) Rubber banding seems to have increased (this is a standard upgrade until a few patches are released).
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  4. Note that this "vu" is named 9.3.4 not 9.4
    Witch means that this is an upgrade of the previous version 9.3.x
    More a patch then a real upgrade

    I dont expect to see physical changes before 9.4
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  5. Well I'm glad that it's the same for everyone, as I thought that my ATI card was somehow not doing what it's supposed to do. For some reason I was expecting a physical CryEngine enhancement, not just a coding rewrite.
    "When an avatar moves away from you at a certain point the detail in them becomes very minimal and the avatar becomes very thin." I've noticed this alot, ever since I switched from a CRT to an LCD, and I think it's because with LCD's the number of pixels per inch is limited. I also find that optical sights don't work as well as with CRT's...
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