Highest Damage

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Phoenix, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    Inspired by Shearer's thread concerning highest hp, I introduce this thread where you can post the highest damage you have received (from mobs or Pkers). It doesn't matter whether it was a critical hit or not, but you are free to specify next to the damage. Name the mob as well, if you remember. :D

    Mine: Hogglo Stalker Single Hit 516.2HP

    PS. I couldn't find a better place to post the thread. Plz move it if it fits elsewhere. Thx
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2007
  2. mine was around the 125 mark, was a bloody spider:Nurse: ,,,,

    was wearing full shogun at the time....

    if only i'd have my sunday times mentor edition.............................
  3. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    This is not a number I would keep track of for dead is dead LOL. A lot of things have killed me in game but it would probably be the Falx for just one munch and poof gone. So anything over 133 is curtains for me.
    :Beaten: :Beaten:
  4. If i remeber right , it was a long time ago , i traveled into a araneatrox stalker while mining around . I died immedately after a hit of more than 300 dmg , didnt remeber the exact value. I was very surprised and try to avoid these spiders from this time :Nurse:
  5. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Try it.Do you mind if I tell other people:
    said died immedately after a hit of more than 300 dmg did not remember the exact value.
    Where were you surprised and try to avoid these spiders from this time Nurse?
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Nurse? Stratos is a tough, experienced Hunter and a hardened Miner - yet you insult him by using the feminine sounding word nurse?

    I think TalkerBot will feel many, many, MANY critical hits if we ever find her in a hunting zone. Or better yet pvp4 - I wonder what we could loot from TalkerBot? :hehe:

    :handgun: :Sniper: :handgun:

  7. Mental illness? :p

    Try to find some Hogglo Stalkers during the next Eomon migraton - they are reported to hit for more than 600 damage on plated supremacy! So that makes > 800 damage...
    Talkerbot, can you survive that? :Beaten:
  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    I did as you said Dolera! Here is the result! :D

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