What does Entropia mean to YOU?

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Dalas, Jul 1, 2010.

Do you consider yourself to be a...

  1. Player

  2. Participant

  3. Colonist

  4. Other (please explain)

  1. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hi guys. I'll give you a short and a long version of this thread:

    Short version.

    I have always loved Entropia and consider myself a Colonist of Calypso. I wonder though, what do you consider yourself as being in Entropia?

    Answer the poll and please share details of why you chose the option you did, preferably with a summary of your personal Entropian story.

    Thanks :)

    Long version. :sleep:

    Recently I've been talking a lot (shocking eh?). Many of these conversations have been with newbies and involve me explaining what Entropia is, some of its history and some of my own personal experiences. I always like to add my own personal tint to the history I tell people, since it was me experiencing it of course! This "tint" involves me being quite smiley and nostalgic about my Entropian life so far, and I can tell that the people I talk to get the message that Entropia really means a lot to me. In fact, some people have said how much they can blatantly see that it does.

    This, among other references such as discussions involving different perspectives (Oil Rig, killstealing and this thread by Lykke: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/forums/planet-calypso-general/2137-eu-becoming-better-game-play.html etc..), got me thinking; everyone sees Entropia differently. Everyone has their own story and depending on how these are, the resulting attitude they have towards Entropia can be so different to another person's that when speaking to them, you might not even recognise the same Entropia.

    I will give you a summary of my personal story and explain why Entropia means to me what it does.

    My story - On longevity and why I love Entropia.

    • Luke Dalas Cambridge, my avatar, was born in November 2002 (PreGold - before Entropia had 100, 000 accounts - less than 1/8th of the amount today).
    • At this time I was 13 years old in real life (meaning I couldn't deposit much at all, and didn't understand how economies or MMOs worked).
    • The reason I was interested in Entropia was because I had previously been playing Runescape and was fascinated by the idea of a Virtual Universe.
    • Upon joining, I was simply amazed and fell in love with it instantly. I saw all the future possibilities and, being so young, had all kind of fantasies about it (one of which was to have an Apartment in Hades :D)
    • I quickly made friends although I didn't start with anyone. I always treated these friends like real people, not even anonymous strangers. This meant that I built strong relationships and people were willing to help me out a lot, a kindness I will forever be trying to live up to.
    • My attitude was that I was going to be here for a very long time, so I'd better make myself at home.
    • Even in the early days I managed to deposit $10 or so a few times, to get started. Thanks dad for letting me use the Credit Card :)
    • When Sweating came, I absolutely fell in love with it and have sweated, mainly in a social setting, since the very first day. This further improved my feeling of belonging in Entropia due to meeting so many people while sweating (including many now-real-life friends and my girlfriend some years later).
    • Through all the updates, I've maintained a very positive attitude towards Mindark since I am forever grateful for the Universe they created and the opportunities it has created for me personally.
    • My focus on the social side of Entropia has definitely given me an advantage over people who are only here for money, I think. Returns fluctuate and cannot be entirely controlled, but personal relationships are much easier to manage and, in my experience, always yield more important results.
    • A slower pace of life on Calypso, and long-term thinking definitely help a person last longer as they're not stressing about short-term worries which may paint a very negative picture and can see the bigger picture.
    • Digging into the "Universe" aspect (history and mythology/lore etc..) really helped give me firm grounding in Entropia. I really felt, especially at the beginning, that I had come into a living, breathing Universe with its own culture and history, although both were very young at the time. Little did I know that I would later be carving my own story on the face of it. A more modern example of this was the other day when I was talking to one newbie, who I got to look at the map and see where the Hades Crater is. The fact that a newbie can look on the map and literally see a part of the Calypso storyline right there really gives them a feeling of belonging to something.
    • Taking it seriously is probably what it all boils down to. A hunter who is perhaps on a budget and takes Entropia seriously will begin to look up their options to make their money last as long as possible. Eco hunting setups go pretty deep into the system and include many more factors than a lot of beginners will imagine, and they'll therefore learn a lot about Entropia just by doing some research. This is just one example of someone who would benefit from taking Entropia seriously, instead of creating their avatar in two seconds flat and giving it a stupid name just so they can log in 5 minutes faster (and regret their decisions for years to come). It just depends how deep you're willing to go.
    • 92 months (7 years and 8 months) later, here I am, still logging in every day for hours and still enjoying it more than ever, having never taken a break or lost interest in Entropia!

    Well there's a summary of my existence in Entropia, interspersed with some longevity tips which you must understand are simply things that have worked for me. I'm not saying they'll work for you and I'm not forcing them on anyone. I hope they help someone though!

    Now, my question to you is this. Do you consider yourself:

    • A Player - someone who is playing a game.
    • A Participant - someone who participates in a Virtual Universe.
    • A Colonist - someone who views Calypso as "home" in some way.

    • Or do you consider yourself something else? Let me know :)

    Thanks for sticking it out this long, I look forward to hearing your stories!


    Dalas :afro:
  2. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    I am a prospector. Tho i was a different avatar once and played for many years, and then decided to stop entirelly for a year and a half. I returned recently again with a new life, ava and name.

    I also agree with most things you have said.
  3. I believe I definitely fall under the role of Colonist.


    In order to be a colonist, rather than a participant or a player one must have two unique prerequisites that neither a participant nor a player must have.

    • A long term goal involving the virtual universe and its economy on a deeper level than just the accumulation and distribution of PED
    • A community goal above and beyond yourself and your immediate surroundings.
    Neither of the previous two require such things in order to fully experience EU on the level desired.

    What am I doing? Well... just wait and see. :naughty: I think I have some pretty fun stuff the community can get into planned. A virtual party to introduce folks to some of my ideas is in the building stages. A website will be launched to act as a starting point for exploring all of these avenues outside of virtual reality, and my ultimate goal is to blur the lines between virtual and real. Ive been playing these games for long enough that I not only know its possible, but I think it can be done closer to now than later. EU is the most likely place to make such an endeavor happen. Hows that for a long term goal? :thumbup:

    Short term I wish to be part of the betterment of the new player experience. Without an influx of new players and a retention of those players nobody here is doing anything other than playing an expensive "free to play" mmo. So simply put, if we dont help retain new players and improve the quality of our playerbase at the same time the only ones we will hurt ultimately is ourselves. Working with new players, side by side with them, my aim is to slowly build a mountain one grain of sand at a time.
  4. Aesstreld

    Aesstreld Guest

    <removed by admin>
  5. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I voted colonist, I feel like i am part of the adventure of colonizing a new planet. Each step in the taming and "modernizing" the planet feels like something I am part of.

    Which is more addictive?



    Creating alt forum accounts each time one is banned to propagate an agenda?

    just curious :P

  6. voted player :)
    Been here for 3 years and 1 month I think, made friends, brought RL friends here, had fun and am part of a society that pretty much serves for chatting with people from all over the world. Thing is that in the end you still say: I'm going to play now. It's a virtual universe inside a game. It's a great virtual universe because you can make real friends, people that know you better in some ways than people in real life, but from a less practical view, ain't life a game and we its players?
  7. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    i'm an Entropian student and keen to learn the way of the dragon that is Entropia.

    So voted other
  8. ApophisReborn

    ApophisReborn System Lord

    It's just all fun for me, till the PEDs dry up :D I view it as a game. to have fun and good times :D
    Not the best answer. But it's my answer ;)
  9. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Good, that is what I asked for :)
  10. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Very interesting to see how different people see themselves - and what kind of role each of us believe we have. Others might see us in a different light though :)

    hmm ok ... my turn *clears throat*

    I see myself as a *contributor* slash *all the things above*

    I really have a hard time seperate the different categories, because I find myself in everyone of them.

    • I play the game - because in my world it IS a game, and I'm here merely to have fun.
    • I participate - in different ways in this VR, as I'm also a big part of the community and I love the virtual world so much. I do what I can to hang on to it.
    • I am for sure a colonist - with several 'places' in the Universe where I love to 'live' - and for years, EU was(and still is) truhly my second life and home.
    But the whole EU experience has been like a jurney - from Player(newbie in the online game world as a whole, didnt know what to expect, just wanted to play and have fun) -> Participant (being a part of the community and this odd world) -> Colonist (Loving it so much, I could call it my home) -> finaly, Contributor (contributing both money-wise, as time-wise, as forum-wise. I love to contribute to the game and I love being able to provide people with a place for the community to meet :) )

    I guess that said it ? :)
  11. To me entropia is the second part of Project-Entropia.
    I still dislike the namechange and I never reffer to it as EU whenever I'm discussing the game with friends, online however loads of people havent even heard of PE so... It's easier to just say EU...
  12. I have been the three specified.
  13. Voted Other, was a player for 4 years and enjoyed it verry much but a lot off changes and more and more dollars needed to keep playing the way i like drove me away.
    I found a better world now in Afterworld where i spend most off my time.

    so i am just a visitor who drops in from time to time to get bored and broke again soon :D
  14. Yirrk

    Yirrk Who Speaks for the Earth?

    Do you consider yourself to be a...


    Lab rat in a Skinner Box
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