Planet Cyrene News: Planet Cyrene December 1st VU Notes

Discussion in 'Planet Cyrene' started by EP-Newsbot, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. New Additions:

    Imperium Armor Upgrade Mission

    - A long time coming, it appears that A.R.C. Scientists have finally been able to crack the code of how the Stolen Imperium Armor works, allowing players to turn in items to not only improve upon this iconic armor set, but allow players who didn’t have the opportunity to start this upgrade mission.

    - All the information can be found at the top level of Zorra’s Headquarters, just east of Rookie Training area and west of A.R.C. Staging area (in the big building).

    -- The 1st stage comes from John Hammer, Jake’s brother, he’ll want you to complete some missions for Jake out at Panton Jungle Teleporter before you can start to trade the requested items to get Paneleon Imperium Armor.

    -- The 2nd stage comes from Zyn’torq, bond brother to John and Jake Hammer, you’ll need to make even further mission progress for Jake Hammer before you can trade the requested items (including the Paneleon Armor) to get Paneleon Spec Imperium Armor.

    -- The 3rd stage starts with a disguised A.R.C. Scientist, who won’t even talk to you unless you have some A.R.C. Badges, but if you do, you’ll be able to hand over your Paneleon Spec Armor and some other items to receive the Adjusted Imperium Armor.

    -- The 4th stage you’ll meet Mr.Zedmore Fontaine, but everyone calls him Zed. He’s a tech genius and quite humble about it. If you have even more A.R.C. Badges then you can give him your Adjusted Imperium Armor and some other items for Improved Imperium Armor.

    -- The 5th (and current final) stage starts to bring in a group of people from Sky Labs. Lunas is one of Vida’s top assistants and is able to take your items and Improved Imperium Armor to the next level and grant you Modified Imperium Armor.

    Rookie Hunter’s Cavern

    - A new version of the Hunter's Cavern has been added to the Rookie Training Area.

    - It is designed for new players to hunt one of Cyrene’s most popular low level mobs: Weak Paneleons.


    - To make it easier to travel on Cyrene to major locations, there is now a Teleporter in the newly built A.R.C. based, titled Zorra’s Headquarters.

    - Byd Byrds have been seen making a nesting ground to the north of Carnap’s Landing Teleporter, reports have shown that even after a deployment of troops to clear them out of the area they always come back in a few short hours.

    The holiday season comes to Cyrene!

    - We’ve got several updates to holiday missions on Cyrene for the 3rd annual Holiday Magic item.

    -- Zyn’oddy will have updated Ice Sculptures you can collect at 0x101 Supply Depot.

    -- Rudolph needs your help to get rid of the last of his summoning energy near the Ice Plateau Wave Spawner.

    -- A new elf has arrived at 0x101 Supply Depot: Zyn’ingle! He dropped a bunch of textures and needs your help to find them, he’ll even share how to make them with you once you’ve found the pieces.

    -- Holiday event spawns are planned to happen around the middle of December 2020.


    - The Cyrene load screens should now work correctly.

    - Fixed various typographical and grammatical errors in items and missions.

    - All Hunter’s Cavern Personal Hunting Grounds creatures will now have a delayed respawn time instead of not respawning at all.

    - Adjusted several mineral spawns to improve useful minerals on Cyrene.

    - Tweaked several loot items to assist in drop rate and be available to hunters.

    - Added several player requests and additional creature spawns around Cyrene to reduce mixed spawns and make sure there are enough creatures available for the Imperium Armor Upgrade Mission.

    - General and varied enhancements to Cyrene have been done as well as changes can and do come periodically to Cyrene, including but not limited to buildings, vegetation, water, map and others.

    - The Hub Arenas are working correctly again on Cyrene, so we’ll be activating these missions again.

    Known Issues:

    - The culmination for the chain mission for the Ryvox the Cypher is currently not implemented.

    - Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue.

    - All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch.

    - Some Quality Ratings information in blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect, and this issue is still being looked into.

    - A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU.

    - Currently, there is an issue with the Cyrene Graduation armor where the disciple will not receive the correct armor, we’re trying to resolve this issue with MindArk.

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  2. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Isn't it about time to stop lying about this now?

    All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch.
  3. Kris - Cyrene

    Kris - Cyrene El Gato Blanco

    Hey Wistrel!

    We actually just had a meeting about some sound issues and brought this up again to try and get it resolved to have our vehicles with custom sound.

    Also, if I remove it now without saying something about how we'll leave the default sounds then people might incorrectly assume that it was fixed or changed.

    I know it's been slow going, but it's part of should be improved.

    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Your team needs to learn to start demanding shit and hiring lawyers with threats to sue. You've been held back for years and there are millions in lost potential.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  6. One does not simply sue Mindark...
  7. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    I do believe the contracts prevent partners from sueing MA. Though whether that'd actually hold up in court would be debatable, seeing there's gross negligence and utter incompetence involved. Other than breach of contract, I'm not sure what could really be sued over, and the time since the contract was signed most likely is too long ago.

    There's a reason SEE got the fuck out as soon as they took control of Calypso. MA's meaningless statistics that were used most likely immediately became obvious as being bullshit the moment they got to see the actual revenue/number of players, and so they pulled out almost immediately.

    It's also rather obvious that the PP idea is yet another dud by MA. When was the last time a new partner was announced? And other than Arkadia and Cyrene, is there even any actual partner left (Monria doesn't count, as they're not an official partner?

    ROCKtropia: Greatly scaled down
    Next Island: Dead / handed off to MA cronies
    Cyrene: Greatly scaled down, severely lacking the technical implementations required to make the original vision a reality. Still no Mechs, still no faction standings that change based on colonist behaviour.
    Arkadia: Seems to stick around, but involved in lawsuits and dead-in-the-water cryptocrap
    Toulan: Dead / handed off to Monria team

    How come literally every company MindArk partners with ends up getting screwed, or going out of business? You know what they say when you describe one ex as a problem; maybe you're right. But if every partner you had ended up had major issues, maybe your partners aren't the issue here.

    Do allow me to toss in the interview done with the former CEO and Chairman of the board again. Just in case any potential partners or investors wonder what they will be walking into.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I'm sure the contract has some obligations on MA side that are not met and can have consequences. If not then why the hell didn't you guys read the contract Kris? lmfao
  10. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Oh nice to see they might get some progress on the sound fixing... I mean honestly, this is the least MA could do.
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