I'm thinking about withdrawing some money out of my Entropia account I heard rumors of atm card floating about that I could do it instantly with...
Can't wait to read more Narfi keeps me entertained at work.
Currently selling in Twins near balcony man in orange hat. Hurry while supplies last :)
Will be in game in Twins in less than an hr.
I will be selling Ore at Twin Peaks today Wednesday at 6:00pmEST. I will list what I have in stock if you want to make a reservation you may do so...
Ok let me calm down I need a moment…..(several mins have passed) Ok let me really calm down (hrs have passed) (clears throat) Ok well besides...
Just the bump of the day.
Just bumping it up.
Hello everyone well let me start by introducing myself. I am Pexx a new Ore Trader. I mainly deal on F.O.M.A and Calypso, but will travel for...
What was Entropia Universe Old graphics engine called before Cryengine 2? All the info I can find on it was it was reffering to it as the "old...
Hope everyone had a good Christmas~!!! I got a G-19 keyboard myself, and I'm looking forward to trying it out when I get home.