Wiki changes

Discussion in 'EntropiaPlanets Wiki' started by Tass, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Starting today (28 Nov 2014) we'll roll out some wiki upgrades and improvements, first mainly back end related but afterwards also new features for editing and such. The whole process might take a while (weeks), there might be disruptions, and worst case loss of a couple of edits.

    Starting today a couple of significant and many smaller changes will hit the wiki. This will cause features and styles to be temporarily broken. Some issues might be fixed on the same day others might take longer. But finally we should end up with a better wiki. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
  2. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    No worries, thanks for the notice. I'll hold off doing the wiki for Sanctuary Cove for Hawkwing till you're finished.
  3. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Alrighty, it's back, a little bit faster, a couple of old issues solved, a couple of new issues introduced.

    Currently the main issue is that you need to login on the wiki separately.

    Beware, this was just the first round :sneaky:.

    And deposit some beer @admin who was fixing issues all day.
  4. Thanks for the heads-up. Will the changes include being able to add new categories to the main menu?
  5. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    Way too early for the Xmas thing
  6. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

  7. if it's december it's not too early lol
  8. narfi

    narfi Lost


    exactly :D
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Tass

    Tass Administrator

  10. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    More issues solved and editor upgraded. This means that wiki editing is a lot easier now and on the back-end it also became easier to make editing even easier, easy, right!?

    Old editor:
    old editor.png

    New editor:
    new editor.png

    Go and test it:

    In the unlikely case you prefer the old one you can disable the new one in your preferences.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Alrighty, I'll probably spam wiki stuff continuously... maybe move to PCF until it's done :tongue (2):

    A few more issues are solved, the new uploaded is working properly, so it's much much easier to upload images to the wiki now.

    Old plain boring uploader:
    old uploader.png

    New editor integrated Ajax mass uploader:
    new uploader.png

    And the shiny new gallery modes:

  12. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    Can you check the refresh button on the Cyrene teleporter page please. It doesn't seem to be working.
  13. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Should be working, but only TPs with "Destination" set to "Cyrene" appear on the page, the new ones you've added don't have that yet.
  14. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    ah ok
  15. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    Is it possible to delete a teleporter from the wiki and/or change the main title name?
  16. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Both possible with 2 clicks but currently only admins can do that - as soon as all the re-organization of the wiki is done we can enable it for a wider audience. Just let me know what to do to which TP.
  17. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    This is driving me crazy hehe. I'd like to open a pm with Tass but can't

    Crystal Garden Teleporter change to Tanhok Cyrstal Garden
    BARAL tp change to Marsh Base B.A.R.A.L
    Second Hand tp change to Second Hand Staging Area
    Arc HQ teleporter change to A.R.C Head Quarters
    XABY teleporter change to Secluded Outpost XABY

    and there about 10 others than need the word "teleporter" dropped from the title.
  18. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    The 5 you explicitly mentioned are done.

    Did all the others ending with "Teleporter" have the "Teleporter" part dropped?
  19. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Why can't you? We addressed an issue with Pms during the weeken. IT should be possible to start PMs again now.

    Otherwise, feel free to chuck me a mail and I'll ensure Tass gets it. peter at schmitzit dot com.
  20. Tass

    Tass Administrator

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