Explanation of the fundraiser

Discussion in 'Entropia Legal' started by EP-Newsbot, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. By request of Spin Rep Pitt the fundraiser was cancelled and all donators received a refund, we will however post a short explanation of the reason we started it and what will happen next.

    Rep does not have a whole lot of funds outside of the Entropia Universe and although he could of gotten the funds [...]

  2. By request of Spin Rep Pitt the fundraiser was cancelled and all donators received a refund, we will however post a short explanation of the reason we started it and what will happen next.
    Rep does not have a whole lot of funds outside of the Entropia Universe and although he could of gotten the funds from elsewhere, we thought we would take the opportunity to allow the community to be involved instead as we believed the resolution of this case could be very important for many people.
    Rep was obviously also depressed about the whole situation and we thought support for him would give him the confidence to keep trying to get his items back. For these reasons we asked Rep to allow us to start the fundraiser. Since the fundraiser has not worked out as we hoped, EntropiaLaw will be giving Rep the PED to pay for his lawyer instead.

    This hardly an explanation. Why Not simply include the peds of the original donnors, that was the original intent? :confused:

    Clarrify this pls, in more detail, dont get it: "Since the fundraiser has not worked out as we hoped":deal:

    Then you come with this: "EntropiaLaw will be giving Rep the PED to pay for his lawyer instead."

    The nature of the "Pressure" and what this entailed please? Why not give the donnors a heads-up on the low-down, you know thinking, before pannicking?

    This is a slap in my face!! Not to mention the other donors and the community!:shoot:

    A filthy and blatent outrage, of anonymous persons,( Who cause "Pressure"), who dont dare speak their mind here. Its a disgrace! Very telling, and I think something was proven here today.:wise::thumbup:

    Comments on EF as "Pressure"? Lame! Not quite the Spin Rep Pitt I know, "Like water off a ducks back" Get it? :tongue4:
  3. safara

    safara Pamwe Chete

    "Since the fundraiser has not worked out as we hoped, EntropiaLaw will be giving Rep the PED to pay for his lawyer instead."

    So, Entropia Law is going to be funding the case for Rep ?

    Good luck - would be very interesting to see a case actually go to court and receive an official judgement. Would be good for the game as a whole. Would lay out the parameters.
  4. Rep requested everyone be refunded because the fundraiser upset a lot of people that did not want him to receive the funds this way. Understand that it put him in a lot of pressure when the intent was to reassure him with the communitys support.

    We will only be funding the preliminary work the lawyer will be doing in regard with getting the police involved and getting more information from Mindark. This is unfortunately the limit of our funds.
  5. Care to say who those peops are? Do they have the Upright Balls to speak their mind here?:umn::coffee:
  6. I think Nostrop has a settlement/case win vs MindArk not that long ago but its nothing found in any records yet. Or maybe still in talks
  7. Entropia Law & Spin Rep Pitt,

    It is too late for you, because you initially went public with the matter. I am dissapointed by the turn of events, as are others I am sure.

    If Spin Rep Pitt, is trully genuine & inocent, not proven otherwise, he should stand his gound publically, and not buckle under pressure.

    He knows the community is a tough crowd.

    The fact that He uses you to function as his representitive in this matter, shouldve caused some alarm bells to go off in your own concious mind.

    I now find the entire case suspect and am doubtfull regarding Spin Rep Pitts motives and standing. Morover, I find it dubious in the very least.

  8. Shinobi i sent the e-mail to the lawyer last night and i will be speaking only when he advices me from now on if he AGREES our case.
  9. Ty for Clarity Spin, thinking about it, thats the right way to go. But you never was oblidged to return donations, just that part couldve gone underground. It was ...rude. Towards donators of good-will towards you. Couldve kept donators with a short statement, but without publishing names, just PMs. I do not see or understand that EL is wrong or acting unlawfull.

    Yes, Tactfull aproach with a strategy plan, the dark-side is doomed to fail.

    At least you know one thing Spin. You do have friends, who will support you in a flash and a drop of a hat. What more proof would you ever need? Remember the times you saved my arse? Not that I owe you, but cos I know you.

    The only thing you succeeded in is "beating the grass to chase the snakes". In doing so ,those reacting negetivelly and publically ,have a lot to hide or gain from their responses. For all to see. But before you guys ever started out initially, you shouldve made shure wether you had the gonads, to go in for the kill, and finish them off. Gotto move fast you know. Most work at doin a job well is ...preperation...preparation and preparation.

    Now, with all that has transpired due to this public scene, I hope you have some useable material in there you can use in Spins favor.
  10. Good luck Rep, I hope it all works out for you. I'm holding my thumbs.:hug:
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  11. CycoKick

    CycoKick Notorius cK

    Shinobi drop the ffing colours..

    MS9 tends to annoy the livin shit out of me with the purple, guess how bad you are on my scale of major pain the fucking ass atm..

    @EL and Rep, yeah prolly the best thing to do.. Atleast u got a Sload of advertising out of this.. Hope it all works out and that some sort of conclusion can be reached..
  12. Ye s`kewl, droppin MS9 styles LOL.

    Dont think advertizing was the intent. There is but only 1 conclusion. Spin Rep Pitt , simply should get his own stuff back. I mean what belongs to you is yours, even if you lent it to a friend in trust for use . You can immagine the effects too, anyone , including friends, can kiss their chances goodbye, for ever again ,lending ubah gear from Spin. Dont bother askin him too. :bduh:
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