Everything you wanted to Know about trading but were to afraid to ask

Discussion in 'The Black Hole' started by Norbert, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Norbert

    Norbert Cartoon Head

    1- Building A Balance - Watch auction like a hawk, be one of those masses who lurk awaiting some poor fool to make a tired error. Always bid on any item listed below 100% mark up, if you get it you can tt it for those precious few pec. Sweat in your free time, look for stones fruit on TI, do anything you can to obtain a nest egg to start trading the streets of twin and PA. Save 1k ped plus, and start to buy ores, enmatter, molisk teeth, daikiba wool or whateever you can at about 4-5% below market value, search out crafters to be able to sell direct avoiding auction fees. Watch also for stack sizes listed, sometimes you can make more catering to the "small run crafter" market listing in smaller stacks.

    2- Buying Off Planet- CND miners and hunters get heavy with their loads (although storage has been implemented now) - a perfect place for a trader with a bankroll. I would suggest buying with a bankroll of 6k+, aim at entropiamarket.com prices or around this level - low skim high turnover will give you the best rate of return. If you are able make a deal with a pilot to ship goods down to a business partner auctioning planetside "your brother", "sister", "granny" - to a pilot a shipping service like this is like having an extra passenger - bargain hard i paid 20 ped per round trip saving me a flight [​IMG]. Buy amps on planet and sell to the miners at CND for a ped more, meaning miners will get heavier faster and have more to sell on their return to your haven of ped supply. Roll all your profits back into your endevour and your ped balance will rise quickly, 135-7% for nexus, etc - 3-4% of 6k alone is 180 to 240 ped, minus auction and transport of course but profit none the less.

    3- Using Orders- You can often use the order system to buy and relist in smaller stacks making micro-profits per transaction. Just do the math and list according to the current "spread" of offers, in smaller stacks at a higher rate (again catering to the smaller turnover crafter).

  2. Yirrk

    Yirrk Who Speaks for the Earth?

    But will this still work in Calypso's current state of near-anarchy?
  3. Norbert

    Norbert Cartoon Head

    Lol who knows, people sure seem unhappy atm though in general it seems.
  4. IL Messengero

    IL Messengero The Great

    Yeap it will....:yay:

  5. Norbert

    Norbert Cartoon Head

    Trading tips/guide lite. :D.
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