Religion and politics forum?

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Oct 15, 2009.

Should we add a subforum for religious and political discussion?

Poll closed Oct 29, 2009.
  1. Absolutely not!

    19 vote(s)
  2. Only if it will be added to the opt-out list (meaning you can disable it from New Posts)

    18 vote(s)
  3. Absolutely!

    3 vote(s)
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  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator


    Based on some recent developments, I'd like to offer everyone a saying in the following matter.

    There are things going on in this world that impact a lot of people, and maybe there is at times a need to disucss such things. Do you feel that adding a forum to discuss religious and/or political matters would be something you'd derive value from on this website?

    I'll add a poll and will see the response to that. Your opinion matters, so be sure to let us know how you feel about it.

  2. Goreon

    Goreon May the HOF be with you!

    All it will do is end up :boxer: and :curse: followed by:sad:.

    Dont think it is something needed on a gaming forum, we all here to get away from all that crap are we not? :headscratch:
  3. Shadowsong

    Shadowsong Collateral Damage

    Probably not a bad idea, especially if people can opt out of seeing threads from there. It's definitely an "off topic" kinda thing, but may be appreciated by some.
  4. Please dont do it because of me, altho I will certainly have may say. Please understand, for those believers in the sayings of a Jewish dude Jesus, 2K years ago, the "perception" and Impact encompasses everything. Few understand this. No one here can deny that there are subtle escoteric things in the Entropia Universe. I mean cmon! Angel Wings, Pumpkin and evil masks. Christmass and decorations. A ava called satan with his own shop in a mall, not to mention the decor of his shop. Just to name but a few.
  5. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    It 's a poll/question to see how people would feel about it, not an invitation to start already ;)
  6. Yep, I surmised as much, just that what I wrote needs to be weighed in the ballance of deciding before casting....i suppose.
  7. Dab


    Adding a seperate forum for this will only get Shinobi banned faster. So I voted no.
  8. Dunno if I should thank you or....

  9. All I can say is that I game to escape real life, not that life is bad, but it chills me out, a stress-buster, something to do of an evening rather than watch tv.

    Browsing the forum is part of it, its a bit of a hobby.

    I want to read about gaming, and sometimes non-serious "off-topic"..basically, I just like to "dick-about" for a while :evil:

    I guess I would just ignore any political/religous stuff, even if it went ahead, so it maybe wouldnt affect me anyway.

    But I would prefer a gaming forum, if people want to debate world issue's, Im guessing theres plenty of sites out there already? :wise:
  10. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    there are plenty enough forums in the interweb for people to dicuss politics and religion. i dont think there is enough maturity from some quaters to discuss these issues, especially religion. I will always feel compelled to argue against religious doctrine, it always only leads to a binfest. best to keep it to those places its more appropriate. politics is a bit more open and in England Wof forum we've happily discussed politics without falling out. on balance, ban both from discussion, unless relevent i.e. in game politics, effects of rl politics on virtual worlds, for a sensible forum. or just ban those who can be grown up... actually that the better option maybe?
  11. I can live without it. If you feel enough votes are warrented to add it, so be it. I would like it on the opt out of course.
  12. Virtual politics sounds kewl:) I would start a party and campaign for the U.F.P.,( United Federation of Planets:)
  13. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    I'm not 100% up for the idea, bug I'm not 100% against is either.

    Since we are trying to keep down moderating on EP, having a forum section for those kind of discussions might be a better idea. As said, it would be possible to turn it off if you're not interested.

    While I hardly have the urge myself to discuss these matters in public (though if it was in Danish it might be differently, but discussing hard core topics in English can be difficult for not-english speaking people), I DO understand why people even in a game forum would like the opportunities from time to time.

    I have seen good political and religious topics, where people could debate the subject in an adult way - but oh my, have I seen the reverse too ... It always fails when one is 100% sure the others are wrong and when people do not respect other peoples beliefs or point of views OR if some tries to drag their own belief on others.

  14. Joser

    Joser asphinctersayswhat

    I don't feel strongly for or against a subforum of that nature. I just wonder what sort of impact it would have on EP. Would CRD planets' users be able to participate? Would people coming here specifically for NextIsland or CKI planet information find it a hindrance or helpful?

    I love debate. Being a part of EF and especially ER has opened me up to viewpoints and made myself think of things in a new light that I honestly would've never given the time of day before. That being said, would having a religion/politics subforum be beneficial to EP or would it detract from the overall mission of EP?

    I guess I'm just asking the same thing the admin asked but in more words... :dunno:
  15. Personally I dont see the need for religion and politics on a game forum, but if others want to discuss it I can just ignore it :)

    I do think you will be making more work for yourselves though, even if you try to keep it in one section, it will leak out into other threads :dunno:
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    It is exactly to be able to get the topics we do not wish all over the place in one specific section only (and not having to delete and close threads and posts).

    Obviously not everyone undestands to keep the forums out from both religion and politics - but instead of ignoring it's there we thought it would be better to direct it somewhere else for those who are interested. But I also see the problem when you invite to discussions, because there will always be some people who will overdue it and then the forum might turn into something we do not wish it to be ...

    And yes, the possibility to put the whole section on ignore if you're not interested in those kind of debates is a MUST if we wish to have a section like this.
  17. You could always tweak the rules to prevent it from spilling over. :dunno:
  18. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    Great idea..
    The opt out feature should help the folks who don't want these topics.
    I think each topic should have it's own opt out feature, I don't need to see the religion topics, but it would be stress relieving to let go on some Obama flaming. :boxer:
  19. I don't think it's necessary.Better preserve the gaming atmosphere..
  20. Take virtual Politics for example. My first speech would probably go like this:

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