Work In Progress: Island Slicer

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by EP-Newsbot, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]This is our new Island Slicer, one of the new weapons coming on January 24th. This is a craftable melee weapon for hunting and defense in the Nesoi Makaron jungles. You can make your own with the blueprint, and the following Next Island crystals:
    • Refined Zoisite Crystal
    • Refined Aegirine Crystal
    • Refined Okenite Crystal
    • Refined Zincite Crystal
    • Refined Lepidocrocite Crystal
    We’re working to get as many craftable new weapons into this release as possible. Our other planned weapons include an Elysian ranged weapon, for tropical Next Island, and the long-awaited swords for Ancient Greece.

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  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    A fresh batch of blueprints for NE with weapons for greece and to use the crystals from loot sounds like a great plan.
    Good Luck with a smooth release.

    • Like Like x 2
  3. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Yep this says it all!! :thumbsup:
  4. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Agreed with narfi. The more BPs NI can get out that put to use all the stuff dropped from its MOBs, the better. More so if there are items in there that will enable those in Ancient Greece to become self-sustainable in there :)

    Good job, NI Team!
  5. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Slowly but surely getting there
  6. Looks like movement in the right direction. Looking forward to the release.
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