So there's a few things about the movies industry that have been bugging me to no extent, and I figured I'd write up a quick post about it. First of all, we buy a lot of movies and series. I'm willing to bet we easily have over 400 DVDs in our house. The one thing that ticks me off is how almost every DVD nowadays comes loaded with the unskippable: "You wouldn't steal a purse, do not pirate this movie". I fucking bought the DVD, so why are you targeting me with this crap in the first place? If the movie or series was pirated, that video would be the first thing to get removed, and rightfully so. Why exactly do I have to suffer through it? Hey, movie industry. Would you think it's okay that whenever you enter a store, a security guard stops and detains you, and lectures you for 2 minutes about how horrible shoplifting is, even though you never shoplifted before in your life? And this happens every time you walk into the store. At the same time, you know shoplifters simply sidestep the guard. Yeah, that's what you derps are doing to us. Now I recently ordered "The Walking Dead" on Blu-ray from Amazon. In Denmark, it does not come with English subtitles, so Amazon was an easy work around. Except that it's fucking region encoded. Our PS3 decided it was a different region, so we were stuck. No worries, I bought a Philips Blu-ray player, mostly because Philips is typically easy to remove the region lock on. Except for Blu-ray, it's not that easy, and I'll have to resort to replacing the firmware. Good going, movie industry. I'm seriously pondering just grabbing shit from Torrents now, and tell you to go fuck yourself. You and your outdated business models and your persistence in making the life of legit customers as painful and horrible as possible will be responsible for more damage to your own industry than piracy ever could be.