A new Summer Mayhem event is planned to take place prior to the Eomon Migration. Event Dates Event Start - June 7, 2018 13:00 UTC Event End - June 18, 2018 13:00 UTC Gameplay Modes Summer Mayhem consists of Mayhem Annihilation mode with the same categories and restrictions as Easter Mayhem Annihilation. There is also a new Practice Annihilation mode, which is not part of the competition. This mode allows teams of up to 4 players to enter and has no skill requirement restrictions. This will allow hunters to try out different categories and hunt for Mayhem tokens and Summer Strongboxes at their leisure. Full event details and prizes will be announced at a later date. Event Categories Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 Cat10 Highest Combat Prof. <25 <35 <45 <55 <65 <75 <85 <95 <105 105+ Health (Soft Cap) 120 130 160 175 190 220 260 300 340 UNL Max Base DPS 34 48 60 74 82 90 98 104 110 UNL Source
Sarcasm On I actually started to miss events. Finally they have one, can't wait till the next one. Sarcasm Off Next Event probably planned for June 18, 2018 13:01 UTC Edit: Mul Attacks Predicted by CXI Scientists! oops, I was way off with my prediction. I better don't become a fortune teller it seems.
Bread and butter to enable further development in the first place. Do what you know already works, grab them by their greed and make them compete. So why not? The statistical nature has dependable outcomes even though everybody has it in their own hands to fly with it or not. Quantum mechanics and mass psychology work on the same principles.