Lootius society

Discussion in 'Entropia Community' started by New York Rose, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. I believe Lootius Soc on Pcf and presence has made Entropia Universe think EP is defunct.

    I think we need to mention you are not and I will promo that .

    So Happy EP is Hot on it!!
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2024 at 05:32
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  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Yea - we need more fun events in here:alcohol:
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  3. Yes!!!!! I love your events!
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Maybe better to hold your horses!

    The server still needs to updating. EP at present is likely to intermittently go down. Once the server issue is sorted then we can let NYR loose and let her do her magic :thumbup: (These old emojis on here sure bring back memories - they were even on old pcf forum)
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  5. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Patience is not a skill I master much :biggrin: ... but I know about the challenge :lam: I'm just very excited to see EP up running again <3

    And yes, lots of memories tied to this place ... looking forward to dig into the lost years and to create more memories in future!


    (I miss the little Nun-emoji :dunno:)
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  6. Shadowsong

    Shadowsong Born Again Noob

    Also seeing tons of guests lurking, few users, most times of the day. Backlog in re-opening accounts, maybe? Would be nice to convert those numbers.

    If you're reading this as a guest, please register or re-activate...
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  7. CatWoman

    CatWoman Administrator

    Hi shadowsong. Thank you for your encouragement to signing up on the forum.

    We still have instability on the servers and quite a few spammers. That's why we only have manual approval of new accounts right now.

    If you sign up, it would be a great idea to write your avatar name / society or otherwise indicate that you are a member of the Entropian community. It will make the process a lot faster. If you are wondering why you have not been approved, try again and enter your avatar name / society. You can always change it again.

    We are working on the matter and hope that it will soon be resolved satisfactorily enough for us to be able to fully reopen. We don't want Chinese spam or worse on the forum :)

    When all the work has fallen into place, there will be some changes here too. But more on that later. Until then, dance your way through history and memory lane and bring friends :D
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  8. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Hello @CatWoman thanks for helping!

    Yeh figured it was likely to fall over again until the upgrades are possible/time allows.
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  9. CatWoman

    CatWoman Administrator

    Please, don't let it hold you back though :wink:
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