In case you are wondering ...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by RAZER, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    ... why my avatar wears a crown today. Well it is Queensday on April 30th in Holland, which is probably the most confusing day in the world if you are not Dutch, especially this year. Let me try and explain.

    Queensday is NOT the celebration of the Queens birthday, BUT it is the celebration of the birthday of the mother of the queen, who died a few years ago, because the birthday of the current queen is in January and the weather usually sucks, it was also in honor of her mother. BUT in 2013 Queensday is the day that the queen will hand over her throne too her son who will become king. In 2014 Queensday will be called Kingsday. The day will then move to April 27th, the birthday of the king. BUT in 2014 April 27th is on a Sunday and will therefor be moved to Saturday 26th. In 2015 it will be on April 27th.

    This guy explains it pretty well for a 'normal' Queensday, he would probably don't understand the 2013 one either.

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013
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  2. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Well all done now, we now have a King for the first time in more then 100 years. Also our new queen is not that bad looking either :)

  3. 4/30! King Day!
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