Planet Calypso News: Exclusive update on the Robot attacks

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Former EBN reporter Eri Kindari has just returned from a secret meeting with one of the RX Unit Commanders.

    The RX, now cornered by the CDF's recent declaration of war are giving a very strong response in return to the CDF.

    Here's the unaltered RX Unit Commander's message to the CDF and all colonists of Calypso:

    "This is our only warning to you. We will defend ourselves.

    We fight to maintain neutrality. We tried to help you with the creatures you call Feffox. It is your CDF that keeps proving time and again to be untrustworthy. They are furious that we would choose freedom over assisting them. They put bounties on us for safeguarding our own interests from them.

    Do not trust the CDF. Do not believe the devious propaganda that this conflict is a matter of good versus evil. We will defend ourselves against any and all who try to harm us.

    This message may speak for itself, one thing that is clear is that the level of tension in the robot conflict have reached a new peak.

    Over and out
    Eri Kindari

  2. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    ahhh that pesky CDF up to no good again ;)
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