Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Jermain Johansson: You’re watching Entropia Breaking News. I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.

    Today, the PVP area at Fort Argus became the scene of a massacre, as man fought man-machine, with man emerging as the victor.

    All those who risked their life in the battle are owed a great debt of gratitude from all Calypsians, but the following colonists were rewarded for landing the killing strike or shot on an RX unit:

    Haylie DuoDuo Xu (Destroyed the RX Unit Alpha)

    Princess Nika Paun

    Viginti Jacobite Tres

    Tas r0ound Tadas

    Adam Nebu Jackyll

    Uniqu3 Uniqu3 Hunter

    Henxy Rose AngelHenx

    Princess Nika Paun

    Mark Slim Shady Hellahard

    Tomas NoX Paslaptis

    gurra uglykidjoe aktersnurra

    Jenna Star Mercury

    Andrey InvisibleAndre Junior

    Kayla Mystique Sinclair

    James Bling Cash

    Cerb Hulk Beris

    Avatara Light X-tra

    Zaphod Zappen Beeblebrox

    Ruchnik Batiskaf KZ

    The Egg is still missing, and the orange-clad “female” RX unit, codenamed Omega, who can be seen in the surveillance tape from Treasure Island Castle, is still at large.”



    Further information

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2013
  2. I must have missed all the action by literally half a mile or so, because I was hunting merps just south of there yesterday. Now I know why that CDF ship went over my head :)
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