Planet Calypso News: CLD Feffoid Mania Results

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. The results for the CLD Feffoid Mania event are in, thanks to everyone who participated.

    Place Avatar Name Loot Size Prize
    • 1. Enviro Larry Lagoono 10403 PED 5 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 2. Mike the goat Powers 10101 PED 4 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 3. the awsome chick 10006 PED 3 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 4. Uniqu3 Uniqu3 Hunter 3307 PED 2 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 5. fynn diablo witch 2984 PED 1 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 25. Lady Nadie Hawke 811 PED 1 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 50. Mista Jagwarr Flayer 250 PED 1 x Calypso Land Deed
    • 100. overtime luck nicolas 198 PED 1 x Calypso Land Deed
    Congratulations to the winners!

    Prizes will be placed into the inventory of the winning avatars within the next two days.

    Full details on the event can be viewed here.

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