Planet Calypso News: CDF Alert: Argonaut Attack Warning!

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. CDF Alert: Argonaut Attack Warning!
    Reports are coming in of heavy concentrations of Argonauts on Calypso. CDF officials believe that the sighted Argonauts are scouting for larger Argonaut raiding parties, and warn all colonists to be vigilante.

    Argonaut sightings have been reported from the following locations:
    • South of Cape Corinth.
    • North east of Fort Medusa.
    • North of Troy.
    • East of Boreas.
    • Fort Ithaca.
    • South west of Minopolis.
    • South east of Ashi.
    • North of Nymphtown.

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