The genetically-engineered Calamusoid mutants have recently been spotted on the outskirts of Chugs Hideout and Fort Ithaca. As the Calamusoids are known for their extremely aggressive behavior, the Calypso Defense Force (CDF) urges all colonists that plan to visit these locations to use extreme caution. Initial reports from local hunters suggest that the area around Chugs Hideout has attracted low maturity Calamusoids, with higher maturities spotted near Fort Ithaca. While the gatherings of Calamusoids outside of the swamps are still a new phenomenon and the purpose is unknown, it should be expected that boss-level maturities may appear and cause extreme damage. Hunters should be prepared for the worst possible scenarios and carefully choose their gear while approaching these mutants. Happy hunting to those brave colonists helping to repel these threats and help keep Chugs and Ithaca safe! Source