Greetings, and welcome to the beginning of a new phase in the *Adopt a Newbie* Foundation's life and correspondingly, a new series of posts in my blog relating to it. The official name of this blog is: Dalas' Divulgences - The ANF Master at Play. As such, I'm bringing you the action (and boring stuff) as it happens. Things have been very busy for me this year, what with Freja and I moving to a new apartment and renovating the entire place ourselves (still in progress, but at least we're nearing the light at the end of the tunnel) and even more significantly getting our baby daughter (named after her mother's Entropia Avatar, since we met in Entropia). Now, however, things have quieted down enough that I feel I can spare some for ANF :) My aim with this blog series will be to bring you along on the tasks involved in the restoration of ANF to new and loftier heights than before! This may include, as is the case today, my (not-so?) exciting work on transitioning to the new Forum, it may be a recent breakthrough in our outreach to other planets. It may even be a player or society profile of a new member or society involved in ANF. It will be about all the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on. So without further ado, let me show you what my first task in the Forum is, to convert ANF from dead in the dirt to dead hip ;) --- Tables Ok, this isn't too exciting for you guys perhaps, but I have to ask myself; is it weird that I actually enjoy doing this? I'm updating the ANF tables. These include the Newbie List, Society List and Fund. Freja gave me the idea that I could benefit on starting again with the Newbie Table, which had brought me to the post character limit already, so I was having to delete newbies as I went. The Society List is being re-built and will continue to expand as I gather steam with society recruitment. The Fund is what I'm working on right now and what I want to focus on in this post. This is an example: As you can see, in the blue square I have Lykke's donations already in Table format, and in the red square I have donations from Suu Miles in old-table format. I want to work on two fronts now, and show you how one becomes tabled and the other became tabled. Now you see that Lykke's square has changed. This is the same thing but in the programming language used by the Forum, apparently that's called XenForo. Thanks to Peter for this helpful thread! In this final image, you can see that the old Suu donations have been Xenforo'd. With some logic, you can take the first two images, looking at Lykke's donations, and apply the same to Suu's donations, ending up with Suu's eventual tabled donations. To aid comprehension of this task, check the link I gave to Peter's thread. That explain all to do with tables, and it's where I learned :) You may also notice that the items which showed 0 in the old version are now gone in the new version. This is part of my cleaning up of the tables. I used to keep the items that ran out in the table for a little while after, just to show it had ran out before deleting it. I really prefer these tables compared to the old ones. They're less spacey, more clear and I think easier to manage (we'll see about that one soon enough). You may notice some weirdness while I update the tables but it'll iron itself out. Just takes a bunch of time! I already lost my progress once because I had to go AFK to do other stuff, came back and had to log back in again! I hope you've enjoyed (or at least understood) the first, administrative edition of the ANF Revival Series. There will be more to come in various shapes, sizes and grippingness :D Thanks for reading this far (if anyone makes it!).
lol this is awesome, Dalas :) And great to see you back! It's also awesome to see that mentoring will be back again and hopefully this means the Adopt a Newbie Foundation won't die out totally. In case there's anything, you know where to find me - and if anything happens I rather for it to go back 'home' than to die out totally ;) But so far thank you so much for the GREAT work you are and have been doing. I am really happy I definitely made the right choice!